Pre-op Sept. 8 with Dr. Duncan?

Sheila M.
on 9/6/04 5:40 am - Athens, GA
Is there anyone out there who is having their Pre-op visit with Dr. Titus Duncan on Sept. 8? Also what should I expect at this Pre-op visit? I hope everyone had a nice Labor-Day holiday. Sheila
on 9/6/04 8:22 am - GA
My pre-op was on the 2nd floor of the Wellness Center. You will need your drivers license and insurance card. (they will make yet another copy). I also took my folder with my copy of everything in it in case they asked for something again. If you are doing pre-op and pre-registration at the hospital you will be most of the day so make sure you eat or bring something to snack on and to drink. My pre-op started at 8:30am and we didn't even get to leave Atlanta until after 3:30pm. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
Angela A.
on 9/6/04 9:49 am - Palmetto, GA
Sheila, Dr. Duncan has changed his entire precedure for pre-op. We use to meet in a group at the wellness center and would actually very rarely see Dr. Duncan. Now they are doing an appt. with Dr. Duncan, and then did they give you another date for Pre-op? Robin was given an appt. with Duncan and then a seperate date for Pre-op. So I'm really not sure what you should expect. But be glad, I think it is a wonderful thing that Dr. Duncan is now meeting with each of his patients personally before surgery. This is a really good thing. I'm just guessing here, so you may want to call the Dr.s office and clarify. But your appt. with Duncan is probably just that....a Dr.s appt. You should only need to bring with you all the papers you have been keeping to get to this point. Pre-op will probably be another day. Let us all know how it goes. AJ
on 9/7/04 10:43 am - Fayetteville, GA
Dr. Titus Duncan is now doing Lap-band? Every time I have called his office (admittedly twice last year), I was told he didn't do Lap-band due to his malpractice insurance! Even though Inamed had him on their approved list. When did he start? Sherri
Kimberly O.
on 9/8/04 6:23 am - Columbus,, GA
My surgery date is Oct 1. I am scheduled with Dr. Duncan on the 16th. Then they scheduled me for "pre-op" with the new bariatrician (sp?), Dr. Fields on the 21st, that is the day I will also do the hospital stuff and meet with anesthesiologist (sp?) Joyce told me that I had to have all my clearances by the 21st appt., that I didn't have to have them when I saw Dr. Duncan. That's the little that I know. Joyce did say they were in the middle of changing things. Hope this helps a tiny bit.....Kimberly
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