My heart is broken to pieces...

on 9/5/04 5:03 am - Duluth, GA
You all have been so wonderful as I have shared with you the plight of my friend Charlene, whose husband Nat had such a terrible auto accident. Nat passed away last night. He just couldn't fight anymore. He fought so very very hard. I had left my phone at home this morning, (something I rarely do) and when I got home from church, a mutual friend of ours left me a message. (She thought I already knew, but Charlene had not been able to get hold of me and didn't want to leave it on the voice mail). I could not stop shouting NO NO NO!! I have not been able to stop crying since I got home. Now I would ask that you would continue that support you have given, only please focus on Charlene and Dale. Charlene had previously asked me to include in my prayer requests to you all to pray that Dale does not take the wrong path and does not become angry and rebellious due to the loss of his dad. Nat was very important in Dale's life and was a driving influence and friend to his son. Charlene has long been a source of strength and inspiration for me, and I pray I can return that for her. Her world is shattered. She is a strong cookie, but her marriage was a solid one, based in the word of God and Nat was most definitely head of the household. Not in an overpowering, demeaning towards his wife way, but in the way God intended. It was his responsibility to provide for and manage the family finances and he did. Char is going to have to learn an awful lot in a quick amount of time. I'm sorry to go on and on... Nat was 53, Char is 46 and they adopted Dale as a baby when they could not have children. Dale is 17 and a senior in high school. They were such a special couple. They had the kind of marriage you pray for. My heart is sooo heavy. I thank you all for your friendship, and prayers through all of this... If you would please, I am going to put the link to the page I set up for Nat before his death. Please take a minute and leave some support for Charlene and Dale. Much love to you all. -Tami
wanda boyd
on 9/5/04 6:49 am - CARROLLTON, GA
Tami, I really dont know what i could do all i can do is Pray .. (((((((((((((((((((warm hugs))))))))))))))))))))) Wanda
on 9/5/04 9:06 am - Duluth, GA
Thanks Wanda.. Prayers accepted and appreciated.
on 9/5/04 9:36 am - Warner Robins, GA
I'm so sorry to hear this horrible news. I will definately keep them in my prayers. Phyllis
on 9/5/04 9:44 am - Duluth, GA
Thanks Phyllis. You all are so wonderful.
Becky F
on 9/5/04 10:24 am - Woodstock, GA
Tami, Much love and hugs to you, Dear Lady! Charlene and Dale will be in my prayers. I will also be praying for you! When I recently went through major crisis, a friend gave me this verse as a comfort. It was my "battle cry" for months. "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Isa. 26:3 I know you love the Lord, and He loves you! Jump in His arms, and let Him carry you through this! Love, Becky
on 9/5/04 10:50 am - Duluth, GA
Thanks Becky, I feel so sad, and yet it's not MY husband, MY child's father... and yet my heart is soooo heavy. I don't understand... Thank you for that verse, and I will share it with Charlene. You all have been so fabulous.
on 9/6/04 7:57 am - GA
Tami, I have posted to your friends but have also asked that God bless you with whatever you need as well. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend's husband and if there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to let me know. God Bless you and yours, Theresa
on 9/6/04 8:22 am - Duluth, GA
Theresa you are always so kind. Thank you so much. I just want to be able to say and do the right things for Charlene.
on 9/6/04 9:04 am - Conyers, GA
Tami, My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know how it is to loose someone and please call me if you want to cry, talk, or need some to just listen. I am here for you! I am home from the lake and am doing great! Talk to you soon Connie
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