One hurdle out of the way..seminar...on to consultation

on 9/3/04 8:06 am - Butler, Ga
I attended the mandatory seminar for Emory Bariatrics last night. I found the meeting to be both informative and interesting. My boyfriend on the other hand, was nodding off to sleep. Poor baby, he did all the driving up there and it was a two and a half hour drive. But I learned some things that are going to be very helpful. For instance, medicaid doesn't pay for laproscopic procedures but medicare does. I have medicare as my primary and medicaid as my secondary. I wonder does that mean I will have to have open surgery in order to get both insurers to pay. If I do, I will. Lord, knows I don't have the money to pay a copay for medicare. All that really matters to me is to get the surgery and heal and get better and get healthy. Healthy. What a new concept. I have been in very bad health all of my life, and I am only 30. Needless to say I am very excited!
on 9/3/04 11:42 am - Duluth, GA
Hey Tonya, Congratulations!! You are on your way!! (Get used to people not getting the thrill out of "WLS" info like YOU do!) I am pretty careful at work, cuz I am sure the folks there must think, "I am SOOO sick of her talking about that surgery!" So.. I keep it on the down low. That's why it is so awesome to have all these wonderful people here on the boards! C'mon back ANYTIME!! We go out about once a month, you should try to join us! We have a wonderful time! Tami 340/280/??
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