No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. I am finally posting again. I really haved missed everyone desperately. I am so sorry that I haven't felt like getting on the computer or even talking on the phone this week. My 19 month old thinks it is awesome that mommy is home and he has been playing lets see how many times I can get her to chase me. God Bless my mom and aunt as well as my DH as they have been taking shifts with Gunnar but he wants Mommy too and wears me out. I am not complaining for I am too thankful to be able to still be here. Trying to get used to this new way of living, different way of eating and drinking is not an easy adjustment. Otherwise, healing a little more everyday. I am going to be home all weekend since DH is off. Just wanted to say hello (although it is a bit wordy) and let everyone know they are still in my thoughts and prayers, Theresa
Glad to know that you are doing okay. My surgery was almost two years ago, but I can well remember all of the emotions and feelings that I went through. I am blessed with a wonderful family, but they will never be able to fully understand what its like to be me. I would say that the first six months are full of ups and downs, (mostly ups!) and the lifestyle changes you are going through are going to take some getting used to, but you will get used to them. Good luck in your recovery, my son was 19 months when I had my surgery, enjoy your time.
Take Care
Cathy Martin
Thank you Cathy for your words of encouragement. I really appreciate it. I know it will take me time to break the old and for the "new" to become automatic but old habits die hard. I am looking forward to the ups and even the downs since this will be the only way I will learn. I just want to make the most of this "easy" early period to lose as much as possible and I don't feel as if I am doing enough. Oh, well, it will work itself out. God Bless you and yours, Theresa
If you ever learn how to break the old habits, let me know!! I know that everyone is different, some people here are overweight for a variety of different issues. For me, it's pretty simple, I am addicted to food. Having the surgery hasn't changed that. This is something that I deal with EVERY DAY. Somedays, I win the battle, and some days I don't. I must say that I am a reasonably happy person, I have a great husband, two great kids, and a wonderful supportive family. I could problably Dr. Phil myself to death searching for the reason for my food addiction, that's actually why I joined this board. I hope that I didn't scare you, I mean I don't know any of your issues with food, I only know my own. But even with my issues, I met my goal weight, and continue to be there. I believe with all of my heart that you will get there as well..
Good Luck
Cathy Martin