tired of waiting

on 9/2/04 9:38 am - athens, GA
Hello all Nice to talk w/ u again Still filling out paperwork. Had to call my past drs. to see if they could mail my documents because I moved a hour anda half away. Sayed that they could but they have to mail me a release form first and then I have to mail that back and then they will mail them. Well that was 3 days ago. Cant go get them cause I cant get off work. Everthing seems like its going in slow motion. Was it like this for anyone else?
on 9/2/04 10:15 am - Warner Robins, GA
I feel your pain, my journey has been one of seemingly unending delays and pitfalls. My insurer hasn't been too co-operative, so most "ologists' appointments have been out-of-pocket. Add to that not being able to get PCP's required testing done asap and you can see why I can sympathize with you. But, like everyone on this board tells others, don't give up, soldier on. Best of luck to you... James Lamb
on 9/2/04 11:33 am - Conyers, GA
It takes time to get everything in order. Be Patient. My whole process took 2 years.... Hang in there. It will get easier! Connie
on 9/2/04 11:39 am - athens, GA
Thanks guys You get kind of down when things dont go as planned but w/ people like you to talk to you get picked up real quick
on 9/2/04 1:19 pm - Duluth, GA
Hi W!! Check out my profile..you will see frustrations.. We all want this NOW..and yet it takes time.. it's frustrating, cuz the folks in the doc's office are moving at a daily pace, but we all want them to treat our paperwork as if it is the only paper work in the office. I KNOW I DID!! (Poor folks..they are just doing what they have to do..but we all want it now..) I kept running into delays for health reasons, scheduling of dr appts, etc... I finally had to just sit back and realize it is all in God's time, and he knew when I was meant to do this... I just had to trust.. Hang tight girl!! Keep talking with us! We will pull you through! -Tami
on 9/2/04 10:01 pm - Jefferson, GA
I submitted most of my paperwork last week, and am desparately waiting for the call from Dr. Proctor's office ..So I know exactly how you feel Re: release form.. I had my PCP fax it to me,. and I faxed it back to them. Had my records in my hands in about 3 days. I had all but my weight history and diets completed in the package, so when I got the PCP records it was a breeze from there. I did not have the stuff for my insurance, and still do not, but I thought I would get the ball rolling. Did get orders from my PCP last week for an EKG and chest xray, and I am hoping to go Monday to get them done. Hang in there... this will come.. Just not too quickly I think You are doing Obesity Solutions too...correct? Maybe we will meet up some day in Gainesville
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