
on 9/1/04 3:06 am - Jacksonville, FL
Hey Gang, I am 9 day post op. I have lost 18 lbs. I need to get up and walk however my bra is killing me from the incision site. I had an open fobi pouch. So right where the middle of your bra rests is the beginning of my scar. Any advice. 1st ? 2nd ? I threw up today. And let me say oh my god! I was hungry this am and grabbed 1 slice of chicken breast fat free. I chewed it up the required each bite 30 times, however I must not have waited between bites long enough. The pain in my chest and shoulder were tear bringing, then without notice up it came. Pain gone. I am having low sugar issue in the morning. Any advice. I feel like weak and just plain yuck. I have been drinking the carnation instant breakfast drink with fat free milk and dry milk added that my sugeon gave me, however you can only drink so much. Don't get me wrong I love choc however the same way is getting on my nerves. I found that if I eat first thing protein I feel better quicker than if I eat sf pudding or jello that doesn't have much or none protein. Help 3rd ? When is the next get together? I think I say 9-something am I right? 4th ? When did ya'll start driving again? My husband took my keys away and won't let me drive. The walls in this house are slowly closing in on me? thanks guys and gals! lynn
on 9/1/04 3:19 am
9 days and you're eating solids? WOW.....I couldn't attempt solids for at least 15 days. I also can not eat chicken no matter what I try! It's not surprising to get sick.....I'm 3 months PO and still get sick almost every day! On the 1st thing.....unless you HAVE to wear a bra - don't! I wore a "sports bra" or halters with the bra included initially. Once the site clears up and starts healing some you won't even feel it there, but for now be comfortable. my Dr. actually fussed on my first week when I wore that much over my scar.....he said "I've seen it - I expect it - so it's not offinsive to me." (Yeah - I know we as women aren't used to going without.....but I was about some comfort!) 2nd - follow your doctors rules. If you find there are things you can't tolerate yet - don't worry. Time will allow you to later. (This is what I keep telling myself!) If you feel better eating your protein first - then do it! It's YOUR body and who else has been in your skin besides you!!! 3rd - The next get together has been discussed to happen on the 18th at Dave and Busters in Marietta. 4th - I drove after a week. My Dr's reason for not letting me drive is because of coming off the anesthesia (sp?) and being on the pain killers could make me dizzy or not have enough reaction time. I felt okay - and didn't make long excursions - but did take myself to my first after appointment! Congrats on the loss!!! Be paitent - don't try to rush things! We're here for you.....God bless!
Harriett H.
on 9/1/04 3:54 am - Alpharetta, GA
On the brs i'm 35 days post-op i still cant wear a bra so I wear a sports brs it's soft all the way around it doesn't have the band at the bottom like a bra wal-mart has one Bestform it very soft. on getting sick I still do sometimes. When drinking I tend to want to drink to fast and that's a no-no.The driving ask your Dr I had a lot more surgery than just the by pass because they found a lot wrong when they went in to do the surgery and had to repair that first. I was just released to drive Mon the 30th but that's not the norm. God Bless Harriett
on 9/1/04 4:18 am - Decatur, GA
Lynn - I am right behind you. I had my surgery on 8/10/04 with Dr. Hart. I was on liquids for the first two weeks and now I am on "soft" and "pureed" foods. It may be a little soon for you to attempt chicken. I ate Publix brand "light" yogurt which has 10 grams of protein in it and I was able to keep those down. I also drank skim milk whcih I flavored with Walmart brand chocolate syrup sweetened with splenda. As far as the s/f pudding goes, if you make the pudding by adding milk, you will get more protein because of the milk. I personally like the Royal brand of s/f pudding the best. It's a little thicker and tastes great. Lisa Baker 8/10/04 Christopher Hart, MD 270/241/130
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