Thanks! and a Question?

Bob I.
on 9/1/04 12:31 am - Columbus, GA
Thanks to all of you for responding to my announcement of a surgery date, you guys sure know how to encourage a fellow. Now for a question? Did anyone feel like traveling about 3 weeks after surgery? I am a missionary to the military at Fort Benning. We present our "work" in churches across the nation and I have a prior scheduled meeting in Ohio. Just trying to get a feel for how well you handled traveling close after surgery? we have the ability to travel slowly (maybe a stop to see the GRAND daughter would help!) BTW: my comfortable rock has shifted a little and I not sure I can get totally under it again! Bob
on 9/1/04 1:32 am
Hi Bob! I am in PA now, but am a Ga girl all my life and will be returning in 11 months, so I lurk here sometimes! I had surgery 8-17 and will be flying to Va on 9-15. My surgeon said there will not be a problem with this. The biggest thing is to prepare eating and know my "safest" foods. Check with your surgeon for clearance on flying. If driving, lots of breaks to walk are good. Best of luck to you! Tabitha
on 9/1/04 3:09 am
As far as traveling....I'm not sure. I was back up and at work at 3 weeks PO. I am not a home body so going to work was the best option for me! I still watch what and where I eat......that's probably going to be the biggest challenge for you. Physically I was doing great. I walked every day post op - and have increased now to working out in the gym 3+ times a week..... talk with your doctor - express any concerns you have and possibly you can get details worked out early enough to keep your appointment!!! (Now go move the rock....we don't want you to crawl back under it!)
on 9/1/04 3:14 am - Jacksonville, FL
Bob, I had surgery a week ago and I have already gone to Walmart and Kroger. I get tired easy and sleeping is not as easy as I would like but taking it slow depending on how you heal I would go. I had open fobi pouch which means they attached my small intestine to my esphogas and banded them together. My scar is about 3 inches long. AND that really is my only handicap. Sore to move in certain ways or bend over thats the hard one. If you choose to go enjoy your time. lynn
on 9/1/04 6:40 am - GA
Hi Bob, I'm 3 weeks post op and I can honestly say travel would not be an issue as long as I'm fully prepared with protein shakes and water! Those are the main things. If I eat something that I find doesn't agree with me, then being close to a bathroom is a necessity. You may want to consider traveling slowly just to be on the safe side.
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