on 8/31/04 8:08 am - Duluth, GA
Many of you read my post last Friday about my friend's husband who had been in the terrible auto accident. His truck was flipped over multiple times and he was thrown from the truck. His back is broken in 3 places, every rib broken, sternum broken and arm broken. His lung wa*****tured, and he suffered many many gashes requiring stitches. He was scheduled to go for surgery on Monday to work on one of the breaks in his back. He was to be brought out of the drug induced coma for the surgery. However, Sunday night he suffered a heart attack, and his blood pressure and oxygen levels dropped. So the surgery was scrapped. His kidneys are not functioning properly, so he is on dialysis now, and they had to give him platelets. and I both know this doesn't look good, but I am a firm believer in miracles. This is one of the Godliest couples I know, and it broke my heart into pieces today when I was speaking to my friend that is always the ROCK for everyone else, and she was bawling her eyes out. She was soooooo thankful to you all for all your prayers last week. The nursing staff seems to think everything is in God's hands now. PLEASE join me in lifting Nat & Charlene up for a miracle. She asked that when I was asking for prayer, that I would also ask for peace for her 17 yr old son, Dale. She so worried he will become angry at God and wonder down the wrong path for the pain to his beloved "daddy". Like I said before, I don't normally come on here for off topic prayer, but this is such an extreme case, and it is really going to take a community of prayer. Thank you all for being who you are and as wonderful as you are. I have set up a support page if you would like to post support. I appreciate every prayer lifted. -Tami
Harriett H.
on 8/31/04 8:24 am - Alpharetta, GA
Tami I don't know what I could do right now but if there is anything just let me know and i'll try my best.My prayers are with them. I know we have a mighty God I know what he just did for me h.e brought me back from the dead and I know it was him and all your prayers. He says just ask so were asking for a miracle. God Bless Harriett
on 8/31/04 1:24 pm - Duluth, GA
Harriett, you are such a love!! Thank you for your kind words. I am going to Atlanta tomorrow night to be with Charlene. Nothing any of us can do, except pray. She was so touched with I told her of everyone that contacted me the other night, and I just need to keep them in front of everyone, so that the prayers keep coming. Thank you!! Tami
on 8/31/04 9:46 pm - Conyers, GA
I will be thinking of them and keeping them in my thoughts ....Anything can happen no matter how bad the situation might be ...i think we all know this !!! Laura
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