It's funny

on 8/30/04 1:07 pm - athens, GA
Isn't it funny all the crazy diets we have tried? Filling out my paperwork and having to write all the diets down that I have tried and now I'm thinking " How did I really think that would work?" Like the Grapefruit diet and the souper soup diet.Not losing anything and putting myself thru I guess when your trying to lose your willing to try anything and hope it will work. Did anyone besides me have any crazy diets?
on 8/30/04 1:54 pm - Duluth, GA
Herbalife - ew many years ago..I thought eating chocolate exlax would help.. Double EW! All water for 3 days... *tummy growls* How about the "diet cookies" that if you ate them you wouldn't be hungry...but then you wound up eating so many that you gained weight off the cookies... You name it.. I tried it...
on 8/30/04 11:56 pm - Duluth, GA
I remember one I tried in high school - drinking about 6 oz of cider vinegar before each meal!! Yikes, that was nasty. Ann in Duluth
on 8/31/04 12:29 am - athens, GA
yes I remember the diet fiber cookies.Eat one cookie w/a glass of water, I think that I ate everyone made They were so good
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