One Month Check-Up

on 8/30/04 5:55 am - GA
Well, I had my appointment with Dr. Appel this morning. Good and bad. Good - I've lost 32 pounds! Bad - not doing too good on my liquids and getting meds down orally. Am having a really hard time with a couple of my prescriptions. He recommended I contact my PCP and have my meds compounded so I can get them down. Crushing them and mixing with liquids is too much to drink and is tearing up my esophogus (sp?). As for the liquids, I am really trying hard to get them down. I can't handle any of the sugar free sweetened stuff anymore. I have even quit the sugar free popcicles. I can sip water, but not enough to amount to anything. I can't mix my protein powder with water (yuck), but mix it with soy milk, so that doesn't count. I went to some yard sales the other day with a friend. It was in the 80's, I wore jeans, and she commented that I wasn't even sweating. My hands look like I just crawled out of a long hot bath, my fingers are all wrinkly. So, I guess I am not doing as good as I thought I was. I'm glad hubby didn't go with me today or he would have ganged up on me, too. I know he will let me have it when he gets home. I picked up some lemons and am going to try fresh lemon water or even add Splenda and make a little lemonade. I'm going to fill up a pitcher with 64 ounces of something and make sure by the end of the day it is gone. Whatever I can't get down - flush through the G-tube. That's right, still have the G-tube. He wouldn't take it out unless I am getting my fluids and meds in. I was so looking forward to it being out, I even begged him, but he wouldn't do it. I have to go back to see him next week and he said "We'll see." Darn it! Right now I am drinking some Diet V-8 Splash (diluted a little), and Oscar seems okay with it. Oh....I have named my pouch, Oscar as in Oscar the Grouch. But mine is Oscar the Grouchy Pouch! There are certain things that Oscar likes and I try to stick with them. But some days he decides he doesn't even like them. Patti
Angela A.
on 8/30/04 8:17 am - Palmetto, GA
ROFLMAO....sorry Patti....but that Oscar the Grouchy Pouch just tore me up....that's too funny. Sorry you are having such a hard time. I'll keep yuou in my prayers...(while I'm laughin)...seriously though....hang in there. AJ
Harriett H.
on 8/30/04 8:47 am - Alpharetta, GA
I drank s/f and ate s/f before my surgery i'm diabetic sence surgery I can't handle s/f at all my drinks are V8 jiuce and light ruby red grapefurit juice and tea I try to get as much water in as I can but its hard and water was my drink of choice before surgery now it hard to take. so I know how you feel. wishing you luck I know how that tube is I got mine out today after a month and beleive me I don't miss it. Your in my prayers. Oh yea mine I caLL stinkey because smells make me sick. Harriett
Anna Marie D.
on 8/30/04 10:15 pm - Suwanee, GA
Hey Patti, The water issue has been my only struggle since surgery. I was used to drinking 100+ oz of water per day (kidney stone) a year before surgery. I thought 64 a day after surgery would be a piece of cake. WRONG. At 9 months out I still struggle every day to get that dang water in. I don't do any other type of drinks ( hate crystal light, minute maid lite, tea, coffee...) The one thing I did find right after surgery that I did like was Chick Fil A diet lemonade. We were buying it by the gallon. Quite pricey at $7 but it was the only thing I could get down. I did dilute it with water sometimes because it could be strong (depended on the store and how old it was). I also strained the pulp and seeds from it. When I had to start drinking the water for the kidney stone, I put 2 32 oz gatorade bottles in the fridge and the family knew not to touch those. That way one would always be cold. And I knew at the end of the day how much I was drinking. I did a little test with my glass one day and was quite shocked how little water I was getting in. I was using a 16 oz thermal mug. After I added ice to it I was only getting about 6 oz of water . So when I thought I was drinking enough, in reality I was nowhere close to where I needed to be. Thats when I started using the 2 bottles. Good luck! Marie
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