My life changes Wednesday!

Susan J.
on 8/29/04 5:18 am - Monroe, GA
I've been hanging around this site since May or June when I first really started thinking about WLS. My regret is that I read silently and didn't really get to know any of you. A suggestion to other pre-ops as you start this journey: Don't be shy like I was! Now that my date is literally around the corner, I wish I had stepped out of my comfort zone and gotten to know friends that could relate. I really do appreciate the openness of all of your questions and comments though because they have truly helped me make the decision to change my life. It is unbelieveable to me that my new life begins in just 3 days! Thanks to all of you for your posts of information.
Harriett H.
on 8/29/04 5:49 am - Alpharetta, GA
We will all still be here for you on the rest of your jounery if you'll send me a contact number you can send it via email I will let the rest of the board how you are doing. you are in my prayers. Harriett
Harriett H.
on 8/29/04 9:07 am - Alpharetta, GA
Forgot I'm 1 month post op today i have already lost 36lbs as of last mon at my PCP tommrow I see my surgon hopeing to get this last tube out. Harriett
on 8/29/04 7:12 am - Hawkinsville, GA
Harriett is right...we are all here for you. Don't hesitate to ask any questions. I'm still pre-op...just waiting for my date but I know there are alot of friends here, waiting to help. Robin
Carolyn A.
on 8/29/04 10:42 am - Monroe, GA
Susan I am also from Monroe. I had RNY on 5/18/04 so I am still relatively new at this. Since we both live in the same town, I will be glad to be a primary support person for you. Are you involved in a support group yet, if not I would like to let you know that I will be heading a WLS support group in Monroe. E-mail me & I will be glad to give you the details. Good luck as you begin your journey to the new you. Carolyn
on 8/29/04 11:03 am - st. marys, GA
I'm praying all goes well Wed.for you,Susan. I've been doing the same thing as you, just sitting back reading about others and learning. But I wanted to say that I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. I'm so hoping that I get an answer from my insurance this week. Keep us posted on your progress. Donna
Amy Williams
on 8/29/04 11:44 am
Yeah a lot of people come here every day as lurkers. We love to know you all are out there. I learned a long time ago the reason no one knew I was there and I didn't have friends is because I hide in the shadows. So what a great suggestion. Let us know you are out there. Be active Amy
on 8/29/04 2:26 pm - Duluth, GA
Well! Good to meet you Miss Susan!! So glad you came out of the shadows! Now that you are out here, stay with us! We may be a little nutty sometimes, but that's what makes us all so darn love-able!! ((((())))) I don't know if you saw that a get together is in the works for next month, but we would LOVE for you to join us! It's open to everyone! Good luck on Wednesday!! (Harriett will make a GREAT angel to you!) Let us know if you need anything. Tami
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