My Pouch let me Have more than water today!

Denise M.
on 8/27/04 11:54 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi Family Today is a day that I will never forget. these are tears of joy people I am so dam happy I could a river Today my pouch let me eat. This is a major milestone. I have been living off of vitamins, plain ice water and one protein shake a day. Today I had a one inch piece of a bean/beef/cheese burrito and it let me eat it. I also got a whole shake in, and tonight I had a tiny bit of grillled chicken with cheese (like for quesidillas) and a whole SF popsicle! Now to ya'll that might be laughable, but for me- Its a freakin Miracle! Now on another serious Note... I need some prayers I am having some serious issues with my blood sugars. They have gone balistic, and no medication is helping. My PCP thinks my body is still in shock from all the trauma and thats why so much drama.. I have been monitoring my glucose since I came home. It went from a fasting 142 to 309---Yes 309.. I am a walking coma waiting to happen. Wen I took my levels this morning I almost had a heart attack. I called my PCP so fast I could have won a gold medal in dialing. He had put me on a liquid Metforim (sp) that tasted like It made me sick and kept me on the toilet...So he stopped that ASAP. He also put me on the needle (OH LAWD LAWD) 10 units at night until we can get this crap in control.. Pray for me people...No one like shots, and I sure as hate them. Thank God Craig can give them to me (he is a Juvenile diabetic) Well wanted to share my Happy Pouch news as well as a small downer. But hey, like AA taking one step/day at a time... Much Love Ya'll Denise
Amy Williams
on 8/27/04 3:56 pm
Denise, Sending prayers your way. I'm so glad to hear you can eat!! I hope things get better and better Amy
Harriett H.
on 8/27/04 6:08 pm - Alpharetta, GA
you have my prayers my sugar is doing fine it's my blood pressure that's doing the crazy but it is starting to level out. I'm sending prayers your way now God Bless Harriett
Denise M.
on 8/27/04 10:14 pm - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi Harriett.... Ok I am gonna send some prayers up on the BP thing for you as well. We just want to be stablized....Thanks for your freindship and prayers. Denise
Denise M.
on 8/27/04 10:13 pm - Stone Mountain, GA
Thanks Amy...As you sure know this is a day by day process. I just Thank god for the little things, you know? I try to look at the humor of the situations and get through it! Denise
cathy M.
on 8/27/04 9:29 pm - hiram, GA
Denise, Keeping you in my prayers, let us know if the sugars change, congrats on the food, I myself remember living on the sugar free fudgecicles the first several weeks post op. also what about a cheese omelet? I wasnt allowed to eat real eggs, so i had to use the egg beaters, but it still tasted okay and it had lots of protein. Take Care Cathy
Denise M.
on 8/27/04 10:17 pm - Stone Mountain, GA
Morning Kathy! I was having problems with visuals as well as smells. I would love to try an omlet, but I can't get past the visual without gagging. I tell you its been an experience. Thanks for the prayers! Never have enough of those! Much Denise
(deactivated member)
on 8/28/04 4:36 am - Warner Robins, GA
That is good news Denise! We need to celebrate each milestone. I hope you are able to get control of your blood sugar soon. Hugs, Tonya
Barb in S. GA
on 8/28/04 4:50 am - Dawson, GA
Oh, Denise, what great news! You've had a really rough time with that pouch. Stands to reason a stubborn lady would have a stubborn pouch. LOL! Glad you came out on top. Sounds like you've won the battle and every day will be a step forward. I'll be praying about the blood sugar. It seems like the body fights back after the trauma of surgery. Sorta like a child acting up after you've had to do something for their own good. Hope you can feel the love and concern coming your way. Keep us posted. Barb
Angela A.
on 8/28/04 12:10 pm - Palmetto, GA
Denise, I am so Happy for you that you were able to eat more than your vitamins and protein. I know you were probably starting to wonder if you would ever be able to and it's such a relief to be able to make that first step. Praying for your blood sugar, but I bet as you are able to eat a little more, that will start to stabilize for you. At least we are all praying that 's the case. doing the happy dance for ya. AJ
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