Any Face to Face support groups in NW Georgia?

Melissa H.
on 8/26/04 11:03 am
VSG on 04/08/15
Hi... thank you all for the wonderful support this board shows one another. It's very helpful and appreciated. I was wondering, however, does anyone know of any person to person support groups in the NW Georgia area? Near Cedartown or Rome. I know my surgeon has a list for me, but I was wondering were there any that may be out there which haven't " made the list ", per say. Thank you in advance? Melissa
on 8/26/04 11:22 am - Ringgold, GA
Hi, Melissa! I don't know of any, but I am up in Ringgold... and would love to meet somewhere in the middle for some mutual support! I think there may be something in Dalton... but we can watch this thread and see if anything comes up. Lyn
on 8/26/04 9:54 pm - Atlanta area, GA
Melissa, the third Saturday of the month Wings Around Atlanta meets. Our meetings are held right off of 285, I don't have the exact exit in front of me, but if your interested, let me know and I will get you the information. It's worth the ride around 285!! Wings is made up of patients from all doctors, it is run by wls patients and we have a hoot. One of the highlights is coming up in December, we hava a GALA Christmas party, many of the doctor's from the Atlanta area attend, and we usually get them up in the front and have them do something a little embarassing. Last year they did the YMCA-song..........dressed as the cowboy, indian and so on. Debbie J
Melissa H.
on 8/27/04 4:06 pm
VSG on 04/08/15
Thank you both for replying.. and yes.. I would love the Wings info Debbie. With two small children, not sure how often I could make it.. but I would love to at least try.. sounds fun. As for getting up to Dalton, I actually go to Chattanooga quiet frequently and have family in Ringgold.. so that's a possibility for me too. Thanks girls! Melissa
on 8/27/04 11:20 pm - Atlanta area, GA
Hi Melissa, if you look above, there is a whole post about Wings. Hazel has posted the link to the yahoo group and a link to get directions to the meeting. I must say it again! Wings is a wonderful group of people. I have met some of the best friends I have ever had in my life from this group. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. Melissa, if you decide to come to the Sept meeting, shoot me an email and I will meet you there, you can sit with us. That way you "know" someone there. Look forward to meeting you Debbie
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