Turned over a new leaf..........

on 8/24/04 12:11 pm - Jonesboro, GA
For all that are interested, I have picked up my boots and have moved on. I have set up an appointment and will be meeting with Dr. Burrowes. He is in the same building as the rest of my doctors so it is very convenient. I am very fortunate that I have been able to pull this together. I was almost so desperate that I was contemplating taking phentermine to lose the weight. I went on my weigh in and I was the same, no change. I was royally pissed when they couldn't tell me why I was being charged an office visit and I wasn't going to be seeing a doctor. I have truly had enough. I feel like a heard of cattle going through the same monotonous line at the slaughter house. Only, he obviously pinpointed me as some kind of moron to fall for his tricks. I really don't mean to sound so demeaning towards the doctor, but the way my emotions have been about the whole surgery, I was devastated. I have held my head high and have taken some time to sift through the cobwebs and have made my decision. I asked my husband if he would love me any different if I had a scar on my belly. He said no. That was that, I made the appointment. My family doesn't want me to take any diet pills because they counteract the blood pressure pills and can cause further heart complications. I took heed to their concern. They know I am not happy and as stubborn as I am, I am going to push my way through to the other side. I know I am healthy, I see my PCP every month and do blood work. I have lost 30 lbs and kept it off now for 3 months. I have succeeded! So what if Dr. D's plan doesn't work out, I will find someone I like and soon! So, now that everyone knows what the new direction is, I will be somewhat starting over again. This time I am confident that it will be a success. Wish me luck and I will let everyone know how the first visit goes next week. Peace and god bless. Holly -30
on 8/24/04 12:27 pm
Holly, I'm truly glad to see this wonderful change in your perspective! I'm also glad that I could be of any assistance to you. PLEASE keep us posted after you visit with Dr. B.!!!! Keep your head up darlin - you'll make it!!!! ((((((Love ya))))))))))))
on 8/24/04 12:35 pm - Jonesboro, GA
Thanks, Chica ! In the words of Ace Ventura, Pet Detective, I have arrived!
Barb in S. GA
on 8/24/04 12:31 pm - Dawson, GA
Holly, you are so strong, now, to take charge of the situation. I'm so impressed that you didn't cave in and take something that wasn't good for you. You WILL make it through this, and come out even stronger on the other side. I'm praying that the Lord will smooth the way as you go in a new direction.....Barb in S. GA
on 8/24/04 1:08 pm - Duluth, GA
Holly! How wonderful!!! I am so proud of you for coming this far...losing 30 pounds is NOTHING to sneeze at..AND keeping it off for 3 months!?! That in itself is awesome. I am glad to hear you are making a change. Not all doctors are a fit for all people. I pray that things move along smoothly for you... (I have a scar too! It's not soooo bad!) -Tami
Lisa D.
on 8/24/04 1:38 pm - Manitou, KY
Holly, I read this after I responded to your response to me. I will be adding you to my prayer list. Please don't be discouraged..... there is a reason that things have not worked out. This new direction may be the perfect path for you. Good luck!! Lisa
Harriett H.
on 8/24/04 5:22 pm - Alpharetta, GA
Glad you turned over a new leaf. This is your new begaing keep on this path and you will be on the other side soon sorry you have had so much trouble. I'm puting you in Gods Hands he'll be there with you all the way and his will be done. will be seeing you on the losing side before long. Keep up the good work and don't take no for an answer. God Bless Harriett
on 8/24/04 8:26 pm - Conyers, GA
Glad to hear to you are working it out. You have to be in the right mind set mentally and emotionally for this to work out. You are well on your way by choosing a new physician. Good luck and keep us posted. Connie
on 8/24/04 9:37 pm - Atlanta area, GA
Holly, I think you have made the right decision. Like I said before, things happen for a reason, and this may be a blessing in disquise. good luck to you Debbie
Ginger L.
on 8/25/04 12:08 am - Woodstock, GA
Holly, Its good to hear your doing so well with your new decision. I pray everything works out for you! I know delays are a real pain! Congrats on the 30 lbs... that is totally fantastic!!! Keep your chin up and pat yourself on the back for doing so well!! Ginger
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