I'm doin' alright

on 8/22/04 10:39 am - Jonesboro, GA
Thanks everyone for your concern. I am really just moving along. I am still really depressee about this whole thing and I still have really mixed emotions. I am really trying to lose weight, but my concern is that I may not be able to lose it all in the time frame the doctor would like. It really sucks. I feel like I have been used and there isn't anything I can do about it. Emotional eating, well let me tell you. It is easier said than done. The thought of wallowing in self-pity and eating a whole carton of Ben & Jerry's ice cream is very tempting. I just really feel let down. I don't know how true this information is, but I have heard that Dr. Duncan has done this surgery on people over 400lbs. I just want to know what is going on with this. I am still aggrivated with this and depending on how my weigh in goes tomorrow, will determine if I continue to streamline with Dr. D or if I go to someone else. I really have a lot of stress lying on my shoulders at home along with this whole surgery thing, which really put a damper on a whole bunch of forward plans. I really just wish Dr. Duncan could understand, but then again, his associates make the rules and that is what I am stuck following. Oh, well, I am just babbling and no one really needs to hear it. Overall I am just pushing along, trying not to get discusted. Talk to you all later. Holly
Harriett H.
on 8/22/04 10:46 am - Alpharetta, GA
You just babble on as much and as long as you want that is what were here for vent cry laugh what ever were here to support you all the way and if we can help were here for that too. Your in my prayers. God Bless Harriett
on 8/22/04 10:50 am - Jonesboro, GA
Thanks Harriett, I really needed that. I am really just taking it one day at a time.
Sheila M.
on 8/22/04 11:00 am - Athens, GA
Holly, I am so glad to hear that you are okay. I pray with all of my heart that your weigh in goes well and that Dr. Duncan will do the surgery on you with a speedy recovery. If there is anything I do for you please let me know. You and your family are in my prayers. Please always remember we are here for you no matter what happens. We are your family. Sheila
on 8/22/04 11:07 am - Jonesboro, GA
Thanks Sheila for you concern. I am trying to keep my head up, but the depression is a little more deep seeded. I really feel like I am going to go out of my mind. I have an apt with my PCP and I have to stop by Dr D's office for a spot weight check. I am also going to speak with my PCP about some kind of diet pill that will help me or something. I need all the help I can get. At this point I want to be close to the 50 lbs by the end of September. They will not schedule the surgery until I am close, so all I can do is hope for the best. If I don't lose enough within that month, then I will find another doctor and just get it done. I am trying to find a scale for cheap that goes to 400 lbs to help me work closer to that point. I need to be at 366 in order for them to do the surgery. It seems like a big goal, but a challenging one. I am trying not to lose hope, but sometimes it is easier to fall of the boat than to deal with it. Thanks again for your support and congratulations on your surgery date.
Barb in S. GA
on 8/22/04 1:14 pm - Dawson, GA
Holly, I know that you've gone through a lot with Dr. Duncan, and I'm praying that everything will go okay for you. Don't know if you would want to check it out, but there is a doctor at Medical University in Augusta, who specializes in surgery on people way above the norm for bariatric surgery. He has operated very successfully on people 500+ lbs., and from the postings I've read by some of his patients, they were VERY pleased with him. If you are interested, I will try to track down his name. I'm just praying that your spirits will be lifted by knowing that you are cared for by many people. It's so easy to feel alone when you're struggling with problems that the average person has no understanding of, but here there seems to be nothing but love and compassion....Barb in S. GA
Amy Williams
on 8/23/04 8:08 am
Hi Barb, You got to be talking about Dr. Martindale. He was my surgeon. What a wonderful man he truly is, he's done surgeries on patients well over 1,000 pounds. I only wish they could clone more of him. Amy
Kay Holder
on 8/22/04 2:32 pm - Mableton, GA
get 2 cheap scales and stand on one with each foot and add the weight up!
on 8/22/04 11:03 am - GA
You just hang in there, Holly. You have already completed all the testing, which is a feat in itself. And look at the weight you have already lost! I couldn't do that in the first place! You have accomplished so much already. Don't give up now....don't let the "blues" win you over!!! Patti
Becky F
on 8/22/04 11:05 am - Woodstock, GA
Holly, Thanks for posting! You have always been a great encourager on this ring, so let us be here for you. You have a right to be frustrated. I am praying that you find great favor with ALL of the associates and staff at Peachtree Bariatrics. Hugs to you, Sweet Lady!!! Becky
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