
on 8/22/04 5:26 am - GA
This liquid diet SUCKS!!!!! I am on day 3 of 5 and not a happy camper. My entire family is at my mom's house eating a b-que rib feast and I am at home drinking broth. This was supposed to be a "last meal" combined early b-day dinner for me and my Gram. I refused to go over there until after they finish eatting. Can I just say that I didn't like soup or jello even before I started this ordeal. On a good note Propel taste pretty good. Okay enough pitty party. Sorry guys. I am very worried about that H-plyri test. After going through all this I sure hope that comes back negative (I won't know until I call Dr. Duncan's office tomorrow) I sure would hate to find out I have gone through all this and then they have to postpone 2 weeks. But you can bet I will be calling before starting that bowel prep stuff. I am mentally prepared but everytime I look into my son's eyes I just cry. (Wonder if from liquid overload) No seriously, I am scared that something may go wrong and I won't be there for him. Lord help me get through all of this, let your will be done and allow me to accept it. Sorry for unloading on you, each one of you are such a blessing to me. God Bless you and yours, Theresa
Sheila M.
on 8/22/04 6:56 am - Athens, GA
Theresa, I am praying for you. Once all of this is over and you are on the other side of losing you will be so glad. It will be worth it all. You are doing this so you will live a long healthy life so you can be there for your son and his children one day. I know if I don't have this WLS I will never live to see my grandchildren born. I know it is scarey, ever since I got my approval letter I have been so scared. But then I look at my family and I know why I am doing this. My children are grown and I have missed out of so much with them, I refuse to miss out on my grandchildren's life. With the Lord's help we can get through anything. I will always be here for you. If you ever need to talk please email me sheila259 @yahoo.com. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sheila
on 8/22/04 9:54 am - GA
Sheila, Thank you so much for your encouragment and support. It really means a lot to me. I added your email address to my book and please feel free to email me anytime. I am also here for you! I agree that with the Lord's help all things are possible. I just thank Him everyday because I have been so blessed. Hugs to you and may you and yours be blessed, Theresa
Harriett H.
on 8/22/04 7:21 am - Alpharetta, GA
I agree on the liquid diet. You have the right idea just put it in Gods hands and he'll take it from there. I think i can say if it was not form him i would not be here today. I'll be praying for you stay positive and if you need to vent were here for you. God Bless Harriett
on 8/22/04 9:58 am - GA
Harriett, Thank you so much for your support and encourgement and allowing me to vent. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself cause I was prepared for 2 days on clear liquids not 5. But, I just needed to remind myself that there are doctor's out there that put their patients on a 2 week liquid diet so I guess I am lucky. 3 days down and the last 2 to go, Good Lord willing. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
on 8/22/04 10:32 am - GA
I had to do the liquid diet for 2 days before my surgery! I swear, I didn't think I was going to make it through the second day. But it was nothing compared to the 3 week liquid diet after surgery!!! Believe me, you can do it!!!! Hang in there!! Patti
on 8/22/04 11:49 am - GA
Thanks Patti, I appreciate your encouragement. I have the hunger headache that doesn't seem to go away. Oh well could be worse. God Bless you and yours, Theresa
on 8/22/04 11:48 am - Hawkinsville, GA
I am beginning a 10 day fast/cleanse tomorrow. After reading about you and Holly, I am worried about my weight situation with Dr. Duncan. I was a bit over 55 BMI when I went for my consult and though they told me to kept it under 55, Dr. Norman told me not to panic over that...that they'd work with me. SO I have attempted to not gain weight and to lose some...I'm still over a 55 BMI. I went to the health food store yesterday and asked for some guidance as to something to give me a jumpstart. I truly wasn't thinking of a system cleanse but the more I read it...the more I am convinced that this is what I need to do - not only to lose some weight...but to prepare my body for surgery. The lady at the store told me she was no longer hungry after the 3rd day so I am oging to be doing some hard praying the next 3 days. I have my vitamins, my herbs and a BIG OLE water jug. I'll be right there with you Theresa. We'll just pray and drink together. LOL Robin
on 8/22/04 11:51 am - GA
Glad your here with me, I would love the company. When is your pre-op? I will pray for you as well. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
on 8/22/04 9:11 pm - Hawkinsville, GA
I don't even have insurance approval yet. They are going at a snail's pace. BCBS has had my paperwork since August 2 but it only went into nurse review a week ago today. I had hoped my surgery would be around my birthday (Sept. 2) but I know that isn't happening now. Oh well....off we go!
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