Clarification on Post-Respect What I am about to Say
Hi Denise.
You keep telling it like it is. I for one want to hear it all.... good ... bad and ugly!! What you have to say can help so many others with their decisions or experiences. You are an
Im sorry that someone offended you and made you feel less of a person for laying it on the line. Shame on them
Sometime the truth hurts and apparently they were not able to handle it. I think that who ever upset you should be ashamed of themselves for doing so!! You hang in there and keep sharing your experiences!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that you are able to get some foods down soon!!! Hang in there gurl and take care of yourself!!

Denise, hello! I am glad that you put your feelings out for everyone! Thats very couragous. I completely agree with you as well. Every patient responds different and in all honesty I dont think you ll find 2 of the same! I am like you on the part of not being able to get everything in as the surgeons have recommended however as mine says do whats best for you because only YOU know exactly how you feel. I will continue to pray for you and hope that all will work out for you! Let me know if I need to help you out or even for just a chat! Take care and God Bless you! Kerri