Holly Ritter?????

Sheila M.
on 8/21/04 12:15 pm - Athens, GA
I am worried about Holly. Has anyone heard from her lately? Holly, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Sheila
on 8/22/04 4:51 am - GA
No, I haven't. I looked at her profile on Friday because she has really been on my mind and she hasn't posted since her horrible pre-op appt. Holly if you read this you are still in our thoughts and prayers and we really miss you! Theresa
on 8/22/04 11:20 pm
I spoke with her last night and she said she's been really busy but talked about joining the gym with me. She and I can ride together since we live close by and can help keep each other motivated! She said she'd sign on as soon as she could!
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