Confessions of a New Post Op

Barb in S. GA
on 8/20/04 10:36 am - Dawson, GA
Denise, it's very important that you post what's going on with you. I am pre-op and don't like sweet tastes. I've been worried about having to drink Crystal Light, etc., as I can't stand sweet-tasting drinks. I, also, am a carb-craver, and have to eat crackers or pretzels to keep my stomach settled down a good bit of the time. I eat a lot of dill picklesand olives, too. I hope you will continue to post what goes on with you, because you never know who needs the assurance that they aren't the only exception to the norm. I applaud your willingness to share the good, bad, and ugly. Barb in S. GA
Denise M.
on 8/21/04 3:08 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi Barb Funny thing is, nothing is game when its all said and done. Tastes change and vary so much there is no telling what you will and won't like- As well as what you can and can not tolerate. I will say being educated as much as possible, and also realizing that not everyone has the typical reacttions is key. Denise
Barb in S. GA
on 8/21/04 4:56 am - Dawson, GA
Denise, do you realize that your posting has brought so many answers with info that is VERY important to use pre-ops? Not only have you shared your true feelings, but everyone who answered has been honest and open, too. I can't believe how lucky I am to have found this wonderful source of sharing and support. Somehow, it makes what lies ahead a little less scary. Barb in S. GA
on 8/20/04 2:06 pm - Duluth, GA
Denise, I too had this question...I am copying you my exact post from 07-25-04, which was 12 days after surgery..It had taken me several days to get up the nerve to ask... Please take a peek at this post. I think you will find some similiarities to your problem. When I got the response of "your nerve endings have not don't have feeling"... I pretty much dismissed it..."WHATEVER"... But I have to tell you... I am now almost 6 weeks out, and I can HONESTLY say that I am now filling up MUCH quicker... I am NOT running around hungry... I am doing MUCH MUCH better... I know that doesn't answer ALL your issues, but it is very similiar to the one... I DO hope you will be feeling better and happier with your decision soon. Keep posting...we care about you! -Tami
Denise M.
on 8/21/04 3:12 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Hi Tami, The link is not working....I appreciate what you are saying and am keeping everything in perspective. I understand this is a long healing process and am working at that. I just needed to speak about how I feel. Denise
on 8/22/04 1:22 am - Duluth, GA
Hi Denise... I didn't mean to convey that you shouldn't share your frustrations.. PLEASE continue...that's what we are here for... we all care about each other and just want to help. What I was trying to share with you on the post was that I had said things that were practically identical to your being able to eat more than you think you should. I mean some of it was the same verbage.. More than one person told me that the nerve endings in my stomach were still regenerating and for that reason, I could not yet FEEL the feeling of fullness. I kinda thought that was hogwash at the time, but I just wanted to share that it does seem to be getting better. I genuinely wish you all the best, and PLEASE don't stop talking about how you feel... I don't know how I would have survived without all the support I got here, I certainly would never want you to feel you could not speak your thoughts and receive the same support. Take Care!! -Tami
cathy M.
on 8/21/04 2:12 am - hiram, GA
Dear Denise, I am new to this board, so I know that we don't know each other, but I felt compelled to write. You need to keep in mind that you are not like everyone else. You are your own individual person that is responding to this surgery in your own way. There were times that I too felt similar to the way you are feeling now, the only thing that I can honestly say to you is that this will pass. You WILL start to feel better again, more like a human bieng, actually you will start to feel better than you have ever felt. You have started on a journey that is going to take you to the highest of highs and bring you down to the lowest of lows. ( the highs will win out over the lows!) You have just gone through one of the most radical things that a person can do to their body, and to put it simply, IT JUST PLAIN SUCKS IN THE BEGINNING! I wish that you could believe that you will feel better soon, but having been in your position, I know that you problably just don't feel like that is going to happen. I hope that anything that I have written will help you get through your day just a little easier. Good Luck Cathy
Denise M.
on 8/21/04 3:14 am - Stone Mountain, GA
Thanks Cathy, I just felt really bad yesterday and needed to get it off my chest. Sometimes just screaming about it makes it a little better. I appreciate your feedback. Denise
J. Gwevonne H.
on 8/21/04 9:10 am - Marietta, GA
Denise, Thank you for your honesty. I am going for pre-op 8/30/04 with surgery scheduled for 9/8/04. With all the struggles from others on the board fighting to get approvals, appt.s, etc. I am feeling pretty lucky to be past that point, however, I have sooooooo many doubts. I didn't feel like I was like everyone else, that I could be as brave as everyone else etc. I Crave Carbs, I CAN NOT LIVE without my Dr. Pepper (so I think) I crave sweets (I hate chocolate). I am thinking I am going to fail at this and risk being cut on and possibly infected for nothing, because I won't lose the weight. I have family support, but they are scared because they have felt my rath from reminding me to "put the Dr. Pepper down, and drink water". I am cruel.......I have a 19, 14, and 13 y/o in top physical shape and they try to encourage me to walk or work out with them and I will until I get tired (usually within 5 minutes) so when they "encourage" me to continue, get evil. I am so afraid, I will not only jeapordize my weight lost but also damage my relationship with those who have supported me through this. Your post reminded me, that I am human and I am not the only one who have doubts or mixed feelings and I appreciate that. I wish you success and am extending an ear for the time when you just don't know. God Bless and keep you. J.
gayle M.
on 8/21/04 1:58 pm - rex, GA
You don't know me, but I know your feelings. I used to try so hard, and get so evil and nasty with my friends and family. When I first heard about the surgery, I figured I'd be the one to actually get to like the puking and binge and gain all the weight I'd loose.My sister actually aske d me if I could see myself getting used to the vomiting...and I had to wonder.Normally I fight throwing up and avoid it like the plague. My reality was this..I had a full open by pass and banding. I woke up from surgery with no supportive family ..just a good friend. All I could think of was " what the hell have I done to myself?" I had tubes everywhere! I had them up my nose and hanging out of my tummy. I hurt so damn bad that I cried, but not for long cause that hurt too! When the nurse bought in my tray of broth and coffee... I started sweating..I was so afraid of not being able to throw up if I needed to that I didn't even try to eat.I eventually managed to get the broth down. The nurse(skinny young thing) smiled and I cried again.I just knew this was all for nothing, I figured I'd be ok for a few days, maybe a month, and then I'd swell up again.I was wrong.If I had to do it over again I would.I had to eat every 2 hours or so, but I ate the prescribed foods and carried stuff with me.I was very successful with this procedure. I still have episodes of over eating ( a whole sandwhich instead of a half) that results in a puke fest, but I still hate puking, and am thrilled to have gone from a size 30 to a size 16. I lost 150 pounds and at 5'9 , weighing in at 200 sounds like alot, but it looks good on my large frame.My kids didn't recognize me when they saw me, nor did my siblings.The biggest problem I have now is iron absorbtion. So hang in there, hope springs eternal...even for us evil oh and don't tell anyone, but I still don't excersise! Gayle
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