New to the board, new to GA

cathy M.
on 8/19/04 11:45 pm - hiram, GA
Hello everyone! My name is Cathy, and I am so excited to find this board. I have just recently moved to GA. from Ohio. I had my surgery back in October of 2002, no major complications, I have lost a total of 133 lbs. I would like to know if anyone has yet had any plastic surgery, and what the process is like. I actually have a appt. with a surgeon on 9/14/04 in Marietta. How tough is it to get ins approval? Are there any support groups that deal with life after surgery? Well any help or info that I can receive will be much appreceiated. thanks
on 8/20/04 12:34 am
Welcome Cathy to GA and to the GA board!! I also had surgery in Oct. 2002 and have lost all the weight I wanted, more weight than I wanted, so I intentionally gained a few pounds back. Total lost of 110 lbs. I am blessed with not having to have plastics done; would love a thigh lift, but after reading about how painful that is, I opt to keep what I have. Good luck with your plastics; just don't have the answers you are looking for, but others will. Just wanted to say HI to you! Best of luck to you. Kathy at goal
cathy M.
on 8/20/04 2:18 am - hiram, GA
Thanks for your reply. I have thought long and hard about having the Plastic Surgery. The thought of having any more surgery does not appeal to me in the least, I also have two boys ages 4 and 3, who do not understand what is going on after Mommy has surgery. But I am at a point where I have been having some skin rashes and lower back pain, so I thought that I would check out my options. I also have a hernia that needs to be repaired. Anyway thanks again for your reply, and you look Wonderfull!!!
on 8/20/04 12:40 am - GA
Welcome to GA. Cannot offer any advice on your question but wanted to say hello and congratulation on your success. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
cathy M.
on 8/20/04 2:25 am - hiram, GA
Thank you Theresa for your reply. Where are you at in your situation? Pre or Post-OP? Thanks also for your kind thoughts, The past two years have not been easy, I mean losing the weight itself was pretty easy, but dealing with all that entails is another story! Thanks again for your reply Cathy
Amy Williams
on 8/20/04 9:27 am
Welcome Cathy!! We are glad to have another person added to Ga! What a wonderful sucess you've been! Amy
cathy M.
on 8/20/04 10:34 am - hiram, GA
Thank you so much for your reply Amy. Success for me is day by day. For me, having Gastric Bypass let me lose my excess weight, but I still struggle DAILY with my addiction to food. Now I just eat alot less!! I hope that you are doing good as well, what point are you at? Thanks again for your reply. Cathy
on 8/20/04 2:25 pm - Duluth, GA
Welcome Cathy!! Always glad to welcome new "Georgia Girls (and Guys)"! What part of Ohio did you come from? I have family in Cleveland, and had family in Shaker Heights. I'm in the Duluth area, a far cry from Marietta, but Georgia seems pretty populated with support groups. I would imagine you will be able to find one soon. I know Dr. Champion is listed as being in Marietta. You may want to check with his office for support groups in your area. His office ph# is 770-425-5525. Good Luck! -Tami
cathy M.
on 8/20/04 10:39 pm - hiram, GA
Thank you so much for the welcome Tami! I too came from the Cleveland area, we were in Russell Township, which is in the eastern suburbs. I am quite familiar with Shaker Heights, there are some beautiful homes there and lots of great history. I must say though that originally I am from Arizona, only having been in Ohio since 2000. But I came to think of it as my hometown, and It has been kind of hard to start over. I think that is why I am so excited about this board. In Ohio, I never had anyone to talk to about my surgery. My family and friends have been wonderful, but they truly have no idea what physical and emotional things that I have gone through in the last two years. Now reading some of these posts, I remember having that feeling or going through that same episode of dumping. This board just feels good, even though this is the first board I have ever joined. Thanks for the info on Dr. Champion, I will follow up. Take Care, Cathy
Roberta A.
on 8/21/04 2:44 pm - Marietta, GA
Hi Kathy, Welcome to Georgia. Please come to my support group at Northside Hospital. We meet the second Thursday of every month in the basement of the 980 building. The group is for Dr. Macik and Waites patients, but everyone is welcome. There are a lot of post op plastic surgery patients in the group who would be happy to share with you. BTW - I've lost 133 pounds too! (With more to go.) Roberta
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