My 1st PCP Visit

on 8/19/04 10:00 am - GA
I had an appointment with my PCP today, my first since my surgery. At 23 days out, I have lost 28 pounds! She was almost as happy as I was. Then after reviewing my log, she told me I didn't need to take my Glucophage (diabetes medication) anymore! I just need to keep an eye on my sugar and if it rises again to let her know! Then she asked about the smoking and I told her I haven't had a cigarette in a month! She was so excited! She said my incision is very clean and clear and looks great. She took lots of blood and wants to check everything out to make sure I am taking enough supplements. She would prefer that I have the B-12 injections as they are absorbed better than sublingual. She did harp about the amount of fluids I am getting in (or am not getting in). Anyway, she is very pleased at my progress ... and so AM I! We got so loud and both were giggling and I'll be the patients in the other exam rooms were wondering what was going on! I have a great PCP! Doctors.....gotta love 'em!
on 8/19/04 10:13 am - Duluth, GA
Congrates!! I'm waiting on word from my doc about my blood tests Monday. I guess if there had been a problem, she would have called. Ann in Duluth
on 8/19/04 1:42 pm - GA
That's terrific Patti. Keep up the good work. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
on 8/19/04 5:08 pm - Duluth, GA
Awesome Patti! You are doing SO well!! Congratulations to you! -Tami
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