YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!! Long Post...sorry

on 8/18/04 11:58 am - Duluth, GA
Thanks so much for the wonderful birthday wishes!! I REALLY needed it! It has been a really trying day and I didn't get home until 8:45! I spent the whole day yesterday at the hospital with my friend that got a tummy tuck and boobie lift...She looks great... I started the day by realizing I have screwed up my checking account and am WAY overdrawn....My paycheck was short, and I have bills out the ass. My license expired today and I can't get my car tag, cuz I can't get that DAMN check engine light to go out. I am required once a year to take an insurance course update that lasts three days. You have to take the course by your birthday month, or you LOSE the designation you killed yourself for. When was the only course this month? YUP...on my birthday. Sooooo... from 8am until 5:30pm I was listening to some old man drone on and on about insurance... And the self pity party begins.... Then.. I'm driving home, and my dad calls and wants me to stop by...lots of traffic to get to his house, only to find out that it was a ploy by my youngest son to keep me out of the house... I finally left dad's at 7pm, and was on my way home, when my friend Jeannie calls and wants me to stop by.... You guessed it! Christopher wasn't through! Finally, I left and got home... Let me tell you what he had done... First, the house is spotless. All dishes done, all trash out, living room, dining room & kitchen clean. Floors vaccumed. Candles smells great. There is multi colored garland draped all around the ceiling fan. There is a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" banner hanging over the stairs. Then, there is a notebook with pictures in it.. On the cover is a "BIRTHDAY TIMES" page that tells all the stuff that happened on my birthday back in dark ages. Inside, on a piece of notebook paper, he drew a page that says "Baby Momma"...and there are about 3 pages of me when I was a little girl. Then another page of notebook paper that says "TEENAGE YEARS - PARTY" and pics of me and my friends from high school. THe next one says "All Grown Up" and they are my wedding pictures (I have to hand it to him..there's not ONE picture of the ex-butthole in the wedding pics..they are of me and my parents and my best friend) Finally, there are many pages of me and my kids and friends and family. DIDN'T HE KICK ASS??? This is my 14 yr old, and he did all this by himself. My oldest had me a really cool card, and flowers and a balloon. Then I turn on my computer and there's all my Georgia Girls wishing me a Happy Birthday!! Between my kids and you guys...all of the crappy part of today has totally melted away. I sent my friend a link to the board, so she could see how awesome ya'll are! YA'LL ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!! *Pity Party Over..remembering how thankful for everything I should be!* -Tami (Klesko on tv in 10 Minutes!!! YEAH BABY! HUBBA HUBBA!)
on 8/18/04 12:06 pm
(((((((((((Tami))))))))))))) I'm so sorry you had such a yuckie start to your special day!!!! You're son is truly a product of his upbringing....and it seems to show in the wonderful gesture he gave you as your present!!!! I hope the rest of your day (and week) is filled with many belssings....and if not please know that us "Ga Board" Folk will be here to lift you up when you're down. We love you too!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dee Dee (Diana Cole)
on 8/18/04 12:11 pm - Duluth, GA
Thanks DeeDee!!! I've said this before, as Christopher would say, "YOU GUYS ROCK SO HARD!!" Sorry to "dump" (no pun intended...ok...maybe just a little! ) The day ended wonderfully! Thanks again!!
(deactivated member)
on 8/18/04 12:13 pm - Warner Robins, GA
Your boys are awesome!! That is soooo way cool! Give your boys a high five for me. Tonya
on 8/19/04 1:08 pm - Duluth, GA
Thank you my angel!! I was all squally. I was so proud of them. You guys are awesome too...thanks for lifting my spirits! -Tami
Sheila M.
on 8/18/04 1:00 pm - Athens, GA
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have raised very wonderful children. You should be so proud. Just think I am sure you are the reason they have turned out so well. I will pray for the other problems in your life, but remember with God we can do anything. Sheila
on 8/19/04 1:28 pm - Duluth, GA
Thank you Sheila! What a nice compliment, and you are right...God IS good! Thanks for your well wishes!! -Tami
Ginger L.
on 8/19/04 2:24 am - Woodstock, GA
Sounds like you had a very full and exhausting day! It sure is nice to hear that your kids turned everything around for you and helped make your day be special! They sound absolutely wonderful... Im sure they take after MOM!! WELL... Hope you have a Great rest of the week!! Babee Fridays a commin!!!! Ginger
on 8/19/04 1:29 pm - Duluth, GA
Yep..this is an exhausting week, and upcoming weekend! However, things will start to settle back down next week...WHEW! Thanks so much! Have a great night.. I will call you as soon as I can!! -Tami
Becky F
on 8/19/04 10:48 am - Woodstock, GA
What great kiddos you have!!! Pat yourself on the back! Mom definitely has something to do with it! Your boys rock! Hugs, Becky
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