Dinner Saturday 8/21?
Hello Everyone,
I had such a great time this past Saturday that I thought I would see if anyone wanted to meet for dinner this coming Saturday evening? If you like chinese ...how about the New China Buffet located at 425 Barrett Parkway in Kennesaw.
It is located just off I-75 at exit 269, in the Town Center Plaza, across from the Town Center Mall.
I go often to this restaurant with staff I work with and they have a nice buffet or you can also order off the menu.
I was thinking we could meet around 5 - 530 PM like we did last week .... I know this is a little north ... but maybe there are other people who could make this time of fun and fellowship.
Let me know if you would like to do this
7/28/03 Open RNY
1 year post op down 201 pounds
Started 495 pounds BMI 73.1
Now 294 BMI 43.4
down 82 inches
hey! im a lurker mostly, i love hearing about everyone. im really just at the beginning of my journey. i had to post to this one.
i can't make it to the dinner. i would love to meet w/ all of you guys sometime, but now is not good for me. work, kids, work. blah blah blah anywhoooooo..... john, we order from that chinese place all the time! they deliver and they have awesome food!
have a great day and welcome to ga.

I d0on't know if it was a go or not.. but at the end of the night it seemed most likely. The date depends on when Tonya's ex has her son, and if everyone can do that date. She lives so far away she would have to spend the night with one of us so she doesnt have to make that trip back.
The one on Delk and 75