Two Days Of Cleansing PRE-OP
Am I supposed to take two of the 1.5 oz bottles of the Fleet Phospha Soda? My surgery is scheduled for Wed. Aug. 18th, so I need to drink in the morning. My paperwork does say take 1 1/2 oz. on the first day and then repeat the process on the second day. But I didn't remember them telling us to purchase two bottles!?!?!
Yes, you purchase one 3 oz bottle and take half one day and half the next. Have something tasty to drink to wash out the taste in your mouth and even a mint nearby too! A sugar free one you can swish around awhile and spit back out. It is the most disgusting part of the whole process!!!! I think the barium I drank for the leak test after surgery was not as gross as the phospha soda!!! Hang in there! You are on your way.