Dr Champion

Robin P.
on 8/15/04 3:41 am - TN
The insurance company approved my WLS in one day. This is happening a lot quicker than i expected. I am a very private person when it comes to my weight and do not discuss it with anyone, not even my boyfirend who loves me no matter what i look like. Can you guys tell me how you told your BF, or DH and faimly about your decsion to have WLS. I do not know now to start the conversation and any help woud be appricated. Thank you.
on 8/15/04 4:52 am
As the old addage goes...honesty is the best policy. As long as you're doing this surgery for YOU - then be happy with the decision and thank God you were approved so quickly! I'll keep you in my prayers! Good luck Dee Dee
on 8/15/04 6:43 am - GA
I told my dh initially that I was thinking about it and then as we went along I told him more. Be honest. Tell them that this is a big decision and you realize that how personal of a decision it is and one that only you can make for yourself. My husband says it is not something he would ever do himself, but he loves me and supports me to make decision about my own body. He has been a real trooper through it all.
Sunny D.
on 8/15/04 9:30 am - South, GA
It's not like my weight had been a problem I could keep to myself. Everyone notices a weight problem--even though some act like they don't. I too, am very private about my personal issues. My husband first realized I was serious about the surgery as I was researching. We had discussed it for a while as I was deciding so I dont remember a specfic conversation. As for other family members--they were not as shocked as I thought they would be. I assumed it would be a big surprise---It wasn't. I only told people on a need to know basis. I still do not tell people. I feel kinda bad about that but I usually tell them I go to the gym 5 days a week--which is true. I basically did not tell anyone other than my hub until a week before the surgery. Seemed like it was easier that way for me. Then if someone did not agree with your decision----there would be little time for them to try and make you feel bad.
on 8/16/04 12:20 am - Warner Robins, GA
Hi Robin. I can fully understand where you are coming from in regards to being very private about your weight. I've always been very private about my life in general, even with my own family. I only let them know what I wanted to let them know-nothing more. When I was advided by my PCP to give consideration to bastric bypass surgery, I was reluctant to tell my family, but after thinking it over, I realized that I needed to go ahead now and let them know. I just started the conversation off by telling them about my visit to my PCP and the concerns he addressed in regards to my health condition and future complications that could arise. Naturally, some of them weren't too keen about the idea, giving the image the media generally portrays about WLS. I would suggest gathering information about WLS,-the good and the bad- to share with your family and BF. I think that would show that you are informed as to the risks involved with WLS and not just wanting to follow the actions of high profile people who have had WLS. I would also suggest searching for a WLS support group, I've found that the support group I've joined locally to be invaluable as far education about WLS, the effects WLS has on relationships and family. Perhaps if you are able to find a support group to attend, you could get your BF and family to attend a meeting with you, there they can ask questions they may have with members that are post-op. Best of luck to you with your journey!! Sincerely, James Lamb(pre-op,trying to get approval for surgery)
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