90lbs in 10 weeks YES YES!!

Amy Williams
on 8/7/04 5:29 am
Yesterday (Friday) I had the best time I've had in many years. It started this morning going out looking for a suit for Kenneth's mom's wedding. After finding one, we all went out to eat. As many of you know not going out places is something that I'm trying to over come. The very last time I went out to eat was when MTV was here filming. Anyhow Ken's mom wanted to take us out to eat. So we go to this nice seafood place. Let me tell you I walked further than I have in YEARS! I didn't need my wheelchair, PRAISE GOD! This is bringing me to tears even to write this because I don't think most can understand how this feels, I feel like a prisoner being freed! It was the most exciting feeling in the world. So dinner goes great, I'm feeling so good, nothing can get me down now. We walk back out to the truck and this lady just running behind us. She said, "OMG are you the lady from MTV?" I said "yes" She's like "I admire you so much and to see you walking I just wanted to cry. I think what you are doing is so wonderful." She talked for a few more minutes to Ken and I then left. After she left I just could not believe it, words can not explain what an amazing feeling that is to have someone take the time to tell you something like that. It just made my day. It's hard for me to believe the people that have been touched. When I get emails it makes me feel so good for doing the show, but when you see the real life people it's impacted, It's truly amazing! Here I was on cloud 9 and on my way to weigh. I thought my night couldn't get any better. Let's just say I've made another goal. I'm under 500! 480 to be exact! That's 90 pounds in 10 weeks, 135 pounds from my highest. I've been blessed with a 2nd chance at life and I'm enjoying every minute! Go to the bottom of my profile to see my most recent picture. Amy 615/570/480/Healthy www.amylhwilliams.com
Karel J.
on 8/7/04 6:57 am - GA
AWESOME!!!!! I am so excited for you! What a spectacular day you had! I cherish moments like those myself (like the lady commending you) and it gives me so much encouragement and motivation to keep pushing myself. Know what? I can't wait to hear about you going to White Water or Six Flags! I'm jumping up and down out of joy for you!
on 8/7/04 8:29 am - GA
I am so HAPPY for you! That is awesome. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
Audrey J.
on 8/7/04 9:04 am - The Beautiful State, GA
on 8/7/04 11:53 am - 'Tifton, GA
Amy, hello and CONGRATS!!! I m so happy that you are doing so well! I know you are totally blown away by this all! BUT its a GREAT feeling! I hope and pray that you continue doing so well! Take care and God Bless you! Kerri
on 8/7/04 12:20 pm
My heart is ing for joy WITH you for your success!!! I know it takes huge amounts of courage for us all to make this life saving decision....I'm gald you're overcoming some wonderful things and are able to start enjoying how life is meant to be! Keep up the awesome job!!!
on 8/7/04 12:56 pm - Duluth, GA
OH AMY!!! How absolutely wonderful!! I am so thrilled for you!!! You are (and have always been) a very brave amazing person. I'm so glad people are telling you so, so that you will believe it yourself!! Don't hide that beautiful person in the house...You are a phoenix bird, rising up and ready to fly!!! -Tami
Katrina B.
on 8/7/04 9:21 pm - Augusta, GA
Congrats Amy, thanks for sharing the wonderful news with us! Katrina
Curious G.
on 8/7/04 10:49 pm - Peachtree City, GA
HOOORAY!!! We're all so proud of you girl!!!! WTG!!! Michelle
Amy Williams
on 8/8/04 7:24 am
Thanks everyone for all the support!! Amy
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