Exciting News ....

John Niemela
on 8/6/04 5:36 am - Hancock, MI
YES, I am still Alive and Well!!!!! Friday, August 6, 2004 Let me start off by apologizing for not keeping up to date with my posting. I have been keeping extremely busy these past three weeks. This morning I received my Facilitator Certifiction at a very joyous graduation celebration with the staff and my fellow facilitators in training. I learned so much these past three weeks that my brain is just starting to catch up cataloging all the information downloaded from the sessions. I also have been challenged to move out of my comfort areas to try new things. This past Wednesday, the entire staff spent the day together for Team Building. Part of the day included a "Challenge Course" sponsored by the founder of "Chick Fill-A" at a College in the mountains. (By the way, if you ever get an opportunity to eat at a Chick Fill-A restaurant, I would highly recommend eating there.) Getting back to the "Challenge Course" .... the last event of the day was a high adventure. Allow me to paint a picture .... You start off by climbing into a full body harness and safety helmet ... next they strap you to a hook (Carabiner) on your back to attach you to two guide ropes that are strapped to four "team" members on the ground. These friends are also in a full body harness and attached to the end of the ropes so they will support your weight if you fall and are "Dangling" for your life .... (hope you have a smile on your face .. with this picture ....) When you are ready to begin your climb .... you start up a 6 foot ladder leaning against a telephone pole that has "U" bolts staggered up the pole for you to step on and hold on to .. as you climb up this Pole. When you are approximately 15 feet above the ground there is a guide wire attached to your "pole" that moves toward another guide wire that another "Team" member is climbing up (his or her pole) at the same time as you are. At the junction of your guide wire and your partners guide wire there is a rope for you to use to steady yourself ... and then another wire that goes to a third "Pole". When you are climbing up the initial pole, the four team members are moving back away from that third pole to provide support to the wire that is attached to your back. When you finally climb on the first wire and try to move to the center where your partner is waiting for you to help walk the final 20 feet to the third pole, the four anchor friends continue to keep tension on the rope attached to your back to give you the support to walk the "tight rope" .... 15 feet off the ground. Now you should have a good picture of what I was facing and attempting to do. At first, I was content to be on the ground and to be the "official Photographer" so we could capture all of the other 13 staff (and family) who were on this outing. One by one all of the others were having fun .. and some fears were also overcome with group members .... and they all completed the challenge .... some with a few bruses too .... the pictures turned out great. I keep looking at this challenge and wondered .... "I wonder if I could really do it ......" For so many years, I have been the person "Safe on the ground" because at 495 pounds ... there was no way that I could physically engage in the activities my friends were doing .... As I have been taking this weight off, I constantly tell people how good it feels to finally be a participant in life instead of an observer ... or "photographer" .... I also thought .... If I don't even try ... how will know if "I could have done it!" So I went over to the container with the harnesses and got strapped in for my attempt. With much encouragement from the rest of the "Team" .. they were so excited to see me determined to face this challenge and the fear of failure ... so I started up the ladder. I made it past the top of the ladder and up several of the "U" bolts in the pole .... but began to have difficulty climbing to the wire .... I missed a bolt and swung free of the pole .. and asked them to give me some slack .. so I could get back to the ladder to try again ... I started back up .. and everyone was cheering me on .... I had more difficulties trying to pull myself up and gaining my footing on the "U" Bolts and had to stop 3 or 4 times to catch my breath .. and to also figure out a new strategy to make it to the next level (BOLT) .... When I finally said that .... I have reached my limit .... I felt a great sense of accomplishment .. even though I never made it to the upper wire to cross .... But I had TRIED to do something that I would have never have attempted 201 pounds heavier .... I also did not let the first "Stumble" stop me .. but made a number of additional attempts to see how much further I could make it. I hope to post some of the picures from my attempt to climb the pole in my Photo Album soon ... you will enjoy the picture of me hanging in mid air with a great big smile on my face as I wave .... I was given a copy of this picture at my graduation this morning. I know I say this all the time ... but I am truly amazed at how great it feels to have my life back .. and to be able to do things that I have never done before .. or to do things that I have not been able to do for so many years .. while I was so overweight .... LIFE IS GREAT !!!!!!!! The weather has been hot and humid ... but I am doing so well it is a piece of cake .... Last year, I would have been dying .... but I have fun outside and am active. This past Monday, the organization had a "Golf Outing" to raise money for our program ... I was out on the course for 5 hours in the blazing sun and enjoying every minute ... I did get burned .... but with a little moisturizer have a nice tan starting. I do have one ... ok ... several prayer requests: 1. CLI (Celebrate Life International) is still waiting for two High Schools to sign contracts for the Teach One to Lead One program to be offered in their schools. Until these contracts are signed, CLI is not able to extend a contract to me. 2. Since I am not on staff with CLI, yet, I do not have any income coming in .. to cover my expenses to relocate here to Atlanta (Acworth) Georgia and while I have been here for the past three weeks .. and until I start in the schools. I have had some funds coming in from previous work that I was doing back in Michigan .. but the expeneses to relocate and stay here are greater than revenue .... I know that God is Faithful and has led me here ... and will take care of me .. however ... I still know how much prayer helps the trails and situations we face ... 3. That I find affordable lodging in the area. Thank you for prayers ... I hold you up in my prayers too. I will attempt to do a better job keeping you updated .... With All of my Love, John
Georgia Girl
on 8/6/04 8:16 pm
John, Oh my goodness, you are such an inspiration to us all. May God richly bless you as you continue to serve him by helping others. I just saw your pictures and read your whole profile. Boy, you have come a long way. I am so glad that your health is doing so well. Your weight loss is tremendous. I will send you a more personal e-mail so please check for it. Blessings, Crece
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