Checking E-mails

Georgia Girl
on 8/5/04 12:29 am
Gals, When we post its obvious that people can e-mail you back to the board but some of us e-mail back privately too. I just checked my e-mail and had fifteen unread messages. I am sorry that I didn't respond back sooner but, will now. Soooo please everybody check your e-mails. Blessings everybody, Crece ing and ing for joy
Lu C.
on 8/6/04 3:18 am - Stockbridge, GA
I am so stupid how do u check your e-mails??? Lu
Georgia Girl
on 8/6/04 3:57 am
Lu, Hi. You should be able to click on your name and read. How ever you set up your e-mail with your internet provider would be another way. By the way I just sent you an e-mail just now. Crece
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