Tell us 5 things about YOU!

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/04 5:55 am - Warner Robins, GA
They did this on the main board a while back and it was so interesting and fun! So do tell! I'll start first.... 1. I used to be active duty Air Force! That was 8 yrs ago. 2. I've been to all but 7 states. 3. I was in a movie- 3 O'clock High when I was in High School. It was a flop! LOL 4. I want to learn to Bellydance when I loose weight. It's great excercise and so exotic! 5. I have lived in Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I LOVED Turkey! Your turn! Tonya
on 8/4/04 6:23 am - Duluth, GA
Okay, here are mine. . . 1. I was born in West Virginia, but grew up in Georgia, Alabama and Florida - moving back to Georgia 12 years ago. 2. I'm married (almost 25 years) and have two sons - 21 and 20. 3. I attended a private Christian high school (valadictorian) and a Southern Baptist Wormen's college (cum laude). (so much for "dumb blond!!!) 4. I belonged to the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls in high school, and am now a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. I was Worthy Matron last year. 5. I love music - I took piano lessons, voice lessons, played the guitar and the clarinet. Ann in Duluth
on 8/4/04 6:28 am - GA
Guess it is my turn now: 1. Was Valedictorian of my small private High School Class of '87 (note either I am getting old or killed too many brain cells when I was younger because my memory is not that great anymore) 2. Before I was 16 we had moved 18 different times and my family was NOT military. 3. I love to dance, but married a man that cannot dance to save his life, figure that one out. 4. I love to read "trashy" novels like Harlequin Romance-only takes a hour to read so I am able to use my time when everyone in the house goes to sleep to escape, relax and then go to sleep 5. My family and friends mean everything to me.
on 8/4/04 7:42 am
1. Until I got married I lived in the same house my entire life - and will be moving back there in 2 months to help sell it. 2. I'm the youngest of 5 children 3. I couldn't imagine my life without my mother - till I lost I tell everyone how I truly feel at all times cause I may never get to do it again 4. I used to be a cheerleader....and a judge for the NCA cheerleading now I coach little league...cause I love the kids! 5. I keep my life active.....always have - always will!!!!!
on 8/4/04 9:48 pm
okay - yeah I'm happily divorced - but NOT taking are too much bother. I'm the proud ant of 6 wonderful children - but my sister's 2 kids are my life - and the reason I coach little league. I'm a music fanatic.....there's not much in music that I don't like. I'm a Huge (not so much any more) Mike Piazza fan!!!! I help with the Life teen misitries at my church where my family is an original family in the creation on the church over 38 years ago! I love to help teach Chatechism and to help with the spiritual development into the Catholic life of these kids! I'm sure I can think of more...but being pushed for time!
on 8/4/04 8:21 am - locust grove, ga
HUMMM..... 5 things...... 1:27 years old married 5 years. I have a (almost) 4year old little girlie who has bypassed being a princess, she is the QUEEN! haha 2: I have lived in Ga all of my life, actually the same town....Locust Grove. 3: I am a nail tech, going on 8 years, work in Mcdonough. 4: I love spending time with family.....scrapbooking (when I have time) and riding dirt roads just chilling! (KIND OF SOUND LIKE A RED NECK HUH? 5: I am babtist girl, love life, and would not know what I would do with out my family......
on 8/4/04 8:28 am - Hawkinsville, GA
Hmmm....5 things about me huh? 1. I love the beach, the lake, the river -- I just love the water! 2. I have done all kinds of animal rescue but am currently active with several equine rescue groups. I'm even webmaster for one of the groups. My spirit is the most free when I'm working with my horses. I can't wait to be small enough to ride again! 3. I love to laugh -- life is too important to take seriously. 4. I LOVE sports - High School and college football...the (Go #88 and #5) name it! 5. I'm a former special ed. teacher. I have taught typing (on REAL typewriters), keyboarding, computer apps, accounting, and worked with students with learning disabilities and emotional problems. I currently teach Information Technology classes at our high school and moonlight at the local technical college. Kinda boring huh? Robin (who is going to be small enough to ride again one day!)
Becky F
on 8/4/04 9:21 am - Woodstock, GA
Here goes: 1. I moved ten times during the first sixteen years of my life. 2. I have lived in my current home for 27 years. 3. I love to travel and have been to 29 states and Europe (five times). 4. This is my 25th year teaching kindergarten. I love my kinders. 5. I obtained National Board certification last year (and 90 pounds). Becky
wanda boyd
on 8/4/04 9:22 am - CARROLLTON, GA
hmmm ok i am 38 yrs old i have 2 kids 19 and 13 yes i am a grandmother of a granddaughter.... i am divorced lived in Georgia all my life i am a true redneck lol i love live and making people smile... i enjoy making new friends... how many is that lol o well I LOVE YOU PEOPLE YALL ARE THE BEST
on 8/4/04 10:22 am - Rincon, GA
Hi Everyone!!! 1) I am a transplanted Yankee, born and raised outside NYC and have lived the past 30 years in Savannah Georgia. 2) I have one son who is 21 and had wls the same day and hospital as I had it done. 3) I have 5 cats, two dogs and various other wildlife - I love animals. 4) I was an accountant/bookkeeper for 20 years, got fat sitting behind a desk and became a merchandiser traveling to Wal-Marts all week. 5) I have been married to my second husband for 4 years, my first husband of 28 years passed away. Bye for now!!!!
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