Pre Op Scare

on 8/4/04 3:30 am - GA
Ok, this morning Dr Duncan's office calls to tell me they need an ultrasound of my "right quadrant" and says they are scheduling it at Atl Med Ctr. I ask the girl can she please schedule it at the hospital closer to me and she agrees says she will call right back. I hang up and think "right quadrant"... of my heart I start panicing thinking they found something on my EKG... Hurry phone... ring!!!! ring!!!! She calls back, it's all scheduled for in the morning.. and it's a ultrasound of the right quadrant of my ABDOMEN to check for gall stones I told her she might now want to check my heart since she scared the life out of me! Sheesh!!!!
on 8/4/04 4:03 am - Conyers, GA
Well thank god it was not your heart ......WOOOOHOOOO that is a releif had me scard just reading about it ...Well i am sure you will come out clean tomarrow with no stones or anything ....Best of luck !!! Laura
on 8/4/04 4:11 am - GA
Ditto what Laura said. God Bless you and yours, Theresa
(deactivated member)
on 8/4/04 5:39 am - Warner Robins, GA
Hey my Angelette, Oh my! That was a scare! Glad all is well with your heart. Good luck with the gall bladder x-ray! Keep us posted. Hugs, Tonya
Kelle W
on 8/4/04 2:52 pm - Atlanta, GA
Tracy, I have to tell you a story in a similar vein. My PCP had me come to his office to do an EKG before he would give me a medical clearance letter for WLS, because I have high blood pressue. Now, a couple of weeks before this I had a mole removed, at his recommendation, and had not seen him since I had gotten my results. (that was all background to set up the following scene) So, the nurse hooks me up and runs the EKG. The doc comes in to give me my results. He doesn't come out and say, you're fine. He launches into this speil about how normally "you only see this in people in their 70's". I was like, what?! what's wrong with me? He replies...oh nothing, I just meant I don't normally have to do this test except on seniors. I thought (but didn't say), Okay man, bad way to phrase things. Then I start telling him about how the dermatologist removed my mole and they did it immediately cause it did look bad. I told him they made me wait a week for the results! I realize he's staring at me kind of strangely....and I say real quick...Oh, but it's okay, it wasn't cancerous! He goes, whew, I thought you were going to tell me you had cancer. I said, that's okay, I thought you were trying to tell me something was wrong with my heart! We both laughed at each other and agreed we needed better communication skills. I know it's a long story and I hope it makes sense, it was really funny at the time! Kelle
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