I have a few ??????'s

on 7/29/04 3:16 pm - Atlanta, GA
Did anyone have any side effects from the medicines they injected in you for the Echo Stress Test, the dobutamine to increase the heart rate and brevibloc to slow it down. Monday I had to be rush to the ER because I had an allergic reaction to the meds that was administered. All of a sudden I stated having sharp head pains worse then migraines and everything around me sound like I was under water. They did a C- san of my brain to check for hemorrhaging and nothing showed up thank God has anyone ever experienced this?? . Why is it the heavy weights look down on me because I am lightweight? I ask this because during my group session with the nutrionist everyone was staring at me and one lady had the audacity to ask me what size I wear and how did I get approved because I didn't look like I weight over 100 lbs. I felt so uncomfortable I now refuse to go to any support group meeting and just prefer to stick with the groups on this site. Sorry so long
(deactivated member)
on 7/29/04 10:53 pm - Warner Robins, GA
I'm sorry to hear you had a bad reaction to the stress test meds. That is scary!! Shakesha, I am a light-weight also. One of the members of my support group works in my PCPs office and she kept saying that she didn't see how I needed the surgery and how I didn't look like I weighed enough. I brushed it off until one day I was in the office and she literally raised her voice from across the office and after asking me where I was in the process, says, "I STILL don't see how you need GASTRIC BY-PASS SURGERY! and others in the support group don't know why either!" THat was the final straw for me so I addressed it to the whole group. I did it in the on-line forum but everyone had a chance to respond. It turns out that she's the only one with concerns and the rest of the support group is supportive of me. As a matter of fact, many of them say they wished they would have had it at my size. I am comfortable with my decision and so are my Drs. I'm not doing it for only vanity sake but for medical reasons so it's really none of their business. I guess the bottom line is that you have to be comfortable with your decision. But you deserve to have support as much as the other women. I would address this situation and then put it to rest. Support groups are a vital part of this journey and one person shouldn't be allowed to ruin it for you. Plus I know if I didn't address it, it would've eat'n me up. I suggest you address it and get back to the support group meeting soon. And good luck to you sister light weight Tonya
on 7/29/04 10:58 pm - GA
Sorry you had to go through such a rough time. Many people speak out of stupidity and their own insecurities. Chalk it up to her problem and not yours. This is You taking control of Your life and those comments are inappropriate.
on 7/30/04 4:40 am - GA
The ladies before me have left me nothing else to say expect Hugs and prayers to you Shakesha. Theresa
on 7/30/04 4:54 am - Atlanta, GA
Thanks so much for your responses and prayers.
Kim D.
on 7/31/04 1:05 am - atlanta, GA
I had a severe headache for about 10 days !! I called the cardio who told me that it wasnt the dubutamine or the test...HA !! anyway after lying in the bed crying..eventually one day it went away. It was the worst headache Ive ever had and I've had migraines.
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