I ate...

Cricket B.
on 7/29/04 11:09 am - GA
Am I wrong have had noting to eat since Saturday of last week. Just juice and peaches with no skin. My Family is worried and said I have to eat something. My sister gave me mashed potatos the box kind and a peice of grilled chicken that was the size of a 50 cent peice. AND Guess what I could not eat a lot but it was good and I was fine. My gas is just about gone that I e-mailed about the day after I got back home. Its still there but nowhere as bad as it had been. But how long does this diarrah last I can't spell. It started yesturday and it's not excessive but it's there. I konw somebody gonna say I'm wrong but I don't wanna waste away either. I've had no protein or anything. even thoughit's only been 4 days since surgery and 6 since I have eaten. Plus I was told I would feel better if I ate something I could have on the list. Which eveythinbg is but the meat i guess I could have put it in a blender 1st but it chewed it forever.
on 7/29/04 11:47 am - GA
I had no desire to eat for probably 3 or 4 days, and the protein drinks make me sick. My mind told me I was hungry, but not my tummy. My Doc said this is a normal part of healing. After that, my appetite actually kicked back in, and I ate a lot of SF popsicles and puddings. I still get sick just about every day, so I know you are struggling. Hang in there, and hope you do better. Shawnna
(deactivated member)
on 7/29/04 12:20 pm - Warner Robins, GA
Cricket, Please try to get as much fluid in as you can. If water isn't good then try Propel. At least is has some vitamins. Try some cottage cheese. It has lots of protein in it(13g per 1/2 c). I ate boxed mashed potatoes w/ packaged gravy. It sat real well. Have you tried broths, egg drop soup, yogurt or puddings? You can go to GNC and get unflavored protein to add to liquids and foods. Look at your handouts or go to Duncan's site and look at the food list. You can have full liquids now. Cottage cheese, yogurt, soft scrambled eggs, applesauce, & cream soups(I liked cream of chicken). You need to get in more calories and more protein. It will help you to recover and heal and help you feel better. I'd be careful with the chicken. Your pouch is still healing as well as the sutures. Also, you can use children's chewables right now. Try the Children's centrum they also have an adult liquid. Don't forget about your B-12 and Citrical calcium(I chew the tablets). Big hugs, Tonya
Cricket B.
on 7/29/04 12:36 pm - GA
Thanks Tonya, The problem was that I had to food list. One was for Dr, Duncan and the other was from the NUT. Evaluation and she said no meat or eggs only protein drinks and powder. Well like Doc Duncan's list better. I just went in my folder from when I started this process and found his list. Thanks for the heads up on the vitaims because I haven't had these either. My sister got me some pudding and cream chicken soup. I'll go out and get some yogurt and protein mix, Tomorrow. What yogurt is good? I'll have a soft egg for breakfast tomorrow. I'm so glad I found this list and I have you guys. Thanks
(deactivated member)
on 7/29/04 12:47 pm - Warner Robins, GA
I like the Dannon fit & light carb control yogurt. It has 5g protein and 3 carbs. They come in a 4 or 6 packs(can't remember) and are 4oz containers. I love them! Publix has them on sale 3 packs for $5.00. I can't begin to tell you what my fridge looks like right nowLOL Don't forget the cottage cheese and grab some s/f puddings and cool whip lite! Good luck gal! Keep us posted. Tonya
on 7/29/04 1:55 pm - Covington, GA
Hey Tonya, have you tried Yoplait Ultra? It's low carb and delicious!! It tastes almost like the custard style!! I love it!! Cricket, please be careful with eating solids right now, your pouch is still healing, wouldn't want food to get stuck and your pouch heals around it, that wouldn't be good. I too, didn't have much of an appetite, but the day after surgery, Dr. Duncan told me I had to get something in, because the more you eat (within reason of course) the more you lose. He said that because I wasn't drinking the cranberry juice at the hospital because I didn't have an appetite for anything!! At my 2 week follow up, he still told me I wasn't taking in enough (I was existing on sugar free popsicles). So, I am trying, but it's hard!!! The only meat I can tolerate is the meat in the Wendy's chili, I practically live off of that. I am going to grill some salmon tomorrow. I hated fish as a pre-op, but maybe I will like it now. I do love shrimp, and I may try that also. Good Luck! Smooches Chandra Lap RNY 6/22/04 297/269/135
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