Hello everyone!!!

Holley W.
on 7/29/04 8:40 am
Just wanted to say hello to everyone. My DH and I are both starting the process for surgery and so far your posts have been a big help!! Lets see I/we have gone to our PCP (a wounderful man that is very informed and supportive) and gotten our lab/blood work done. We have gone to our first meeting with our bariatric doctor(went very well, answered all our questions). We also have our psyc elv and nutrition specialist meetings all lined up. *whew* so I am praying that everything keeps going as smooth as it has been but it helps to know I can come ask you all if I need any help or support! happy to meet you all!!! -Holley
on 7/29/04 8:46 am - Thomson, ga
good luck. who is your dr? sarah
Holley W.
on 7/29/04 8:51 am
thank you Sarah! we are using Dr.Macik.
on 7/29/04 9:00 am - Thomson, ga
l went to dr. duncan today for my first app. all went ok. know just wight. and have to lose some . good luck to you bouth. sarah
on 7/30/04 12:47 am - GA
Congratulations to you and your DH. Best wishes and prayers that the journey will go smoothly. Happy to meet you too! God Bless, Theresa
Holley W.
on 7/31/04 4:11 am
Thank you SOOO much Theresa! I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you a little better, what a wonderful resorce(sp) this web group is. So how many people have already had surgery and what type? lol, or should I repost that as another question, still finding my feet in here (been a lurker for a few weeks) *grin* thanks again! -Holley
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