I feel awful

Cricket B.
on 7/28/04 1:21 am - GA
Am I suppose to feel this way? Nothing helped the gas, no gas-x, baby drops or walking. I've been up all night no sleep. I guess the gas is gone maybe a little left that I feel at the bottom of my stomach. I've been dry heaving and now I can't stop going to the bathroom. I don't have a fever or increased heart beat but I feel like s@#*!!! Does it get better? I wanted to go out while I was off to the mall and things like that but I feel to bad. I haven't been taking the pain med. so I just took it hoping to one stop being sore and maybe I'll get some sleep. If I feel like this all day, tonight I'm going to go back to the hospital. You guys just tell me how you felt when you got home and did it get better in a few days.
Georgia Girl
on 7/28/04 1:42 am
Cricket, It does get better. I had some gas but was able to walk it off so to speak. If this continues call your doctor first before going to the E.R. and follow his suggestions. Hope you feel better and get some . Crece
Leigh A.
on 7/28/04 4:18 am - Atlanta, GA
I'm 5 weeks post op. I didn't have those exact feelings - but I did feel awful sick. Somehow I missed the gas pains - you must be having mine and yours, too. I found it helped to take the pain medicine. Even though I wasn't really in "pain" from the incisions - it helped the sick feeling and I felt like doing a few things. I'm 5 weeks out tomorrow - and just starting to feel like myself again - I must say I was hoping to bouce right back like some of you - but it was not to be.
Dixie P.
on 7/28/04 4:42 am - Atlanta, GA
Dry heaving is not good as it really puts a strain on your sutures. I'm sorry Cricket, but I don't know how far out from surgery you are. IF you continue upchucking, go to ER. They will give you something for the nausea so you can give your pouch and everything a rest and not tear something.
Cricket B.
on 7/28/04 5:25 am - GA
just had surgery Monday
on 7/28/04 5:49 am - Covington, GA
Cricket, I am so sorry that you aren't feeling very well. It's probaly the morphine from the hospital, it had me feeling so sick and nauseated. I would call the doctor and explain how you are feeling. The liquid Lortab they gave me worked wonders. I wasn't in alot of pain, but I just felt bad in general, and it really helped me. Also, when I drank too fast, I'd feel sick too. Call the doctor and let us know the outcome. We'll keep you in our prayers. Smooches Chandra
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