Dr(s) Champion/Williams Pre-Op

Curious G.
on 7/26/04 7:58 pm - Peachtree City, GA
I have my pre-op on Thursday. What should I expect? What kinds of tests do they do? Thanks for any answers! Michelle
on 7/27/04 5:44 am - baltimore, md
Michelle- I just had my surgery with Dr. Champion on 5/25 and my advice for you is be prepared for a long day. We had to be at the office at 8:30 and once everyone arrived we watched a video that was approx. 30 mins long and we took a little test based on the video. After that Susan went over the diet and your post-op instructions. From there, you will be called back to finish filling out your financial stuff, have your picture and vitals taken and then you will meet with the Dr. He will look at your stomach and answer any questions you have. You will then go to Emory Dunwoody have your blood drawn, blow into the breathing tool, meet with the anesthesiologist and then have your chest x-rays. I finished about about 3:30-4 pm. The good thing with Dr. C is you do not have to do a bowel prep. He just wants you to only have clear fluids after 6 pm. So, once I finished at Dunwoody I had to rush home so I could eat something before 6 pm. And by the way, remember to turn off your cell phone when you go into the Drs. office. Good luck!!! Bettina
Kay Holder
on 7/27/04 12:27 pm - Mableton, GA
If you havent already watched the video, you will have to watch it then. I had already seen mine. Susan gives you ton of info, and goes over it all with you. Dr champion saw me after I paid my month's salary (lol) and then I went to the hospital. I had an EKG, blood drawn, and answered tons of questions. Went for a chest Xray, and I went home. It ook almost all day. 8 to 11, I went home til 1, and got out at 4. Went to Olive Garden for my last meal, ad got home by 6 and took the damned bowel prep.
Angel Sellers
on 7/28/04 7:07 am - Smyrna, Ga
First of all good luck with everything, Dr. Champion is awesome, so you are in great hands It is a very long day, so just be prepared for that. You will get a ton of info to process & answer a lot of questions However, that is one of the great things about Dr. Champion/Williams - the program itself. The initial part (@ the office) is where you will watch the video & Susan will go over the specefics with you & answer any questions that may be on your mind. I don't know if there are any variations from patient to patient, but @ the office they of course did all of the vital signs, a weight check/height check, & a bone density scan, which is just a scan of your hand. The nurse took a picture for my medical file & I met with Dr. Champion where he told me exactly what to expect. Then you head over to Emory Dunwoody (another awesome place) & that is when they draw a lot of blood, do an EKG, & take chest x-rays. I also met with the anesthesologist but that was relatively quick, he just asked some questions & looked @ my throat. None of it was bad @ all, the main thing was all the questions & paperwork that makes you glaze over after a while Again, I don't know if it varies from patient to patient, but I did not have to have a bowel prep, just the liquid diet that everyone else mentioned. I had a wonderful experience & would do it again tomorrow if I had to. I love Dr. Champion & his staff. You have made a great choice because you will have a wonderful & structured aftercare program. Well, God bless & I will keep you in my prayers, you will do great though Angel down 101 lb since surgery / total of 151 lb since preparing for sx
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