Thank you Message board!!!
Today was my psyche evaluation. I was bombarded with paperwork which my friends on the messageboard warned me of. It was hillarious. The Doc told me that he usually asks patients to do two things to test their ability to focus. 1. Spell the word "world" backwards. This was easy; afterall we live in a backwards world. 2. Subtract the number 7 from the number 107 then keep subtracting by 7. This was difficult. I had been bombarded with questions that were numbered. I had been asked to circle the number next to my answer. I had been asked to give social security numbers, phone numbers of my home, work, and doctors, addresses for myself and doctors. Noticing my difficulty, he told me that I seem to have difficulty with mental arithmatic. After looking at his answer sheet, he gave me the correct numbers. All in all I think I did well. So thanx again my messageboard friends!!!