A Letter to DH

on 7/23/04 9:02 am - GA
My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday and I am trying to get through the rest of my "TO DO" list. One of the items on the list is "Letters to Hubby an family". I have put this off and put this off until it is now time to get this accomplished. I did fine with the letters to my children an grandchildren, even the letter to my Mom wasn't too hard (she doesn't agree with my surgery decision), but the letter to my Hubby........I have been in tears most of the afternoon. I'm glad he decided to go to the shooting range tonight so he doesn't see me blubbering. I can't keep a secret, I would tell him everything. He is not just my hubby, he is my best friend in the whole world. This is a terrible letter to write, but I do want him to know that the surgery was MY decision and that I have informed the family of such. I feel bad that there may be a possibility that he may have to face complications or worse. I really look forward to coming home and tearing this letter into tiny pieces. How did y'all get through this? Did everyone write letters to family and friends just in case? Patti
on 7/23/04 9:19 am - Duluth, GA
Hi Patti, You know, for a while, I had thought I wanted to do that... but ultimately, I just spent a lot of time with everyone...and the one thing that kinda frightened me, was I caught myself calling & catching up with old friends that I haven't spoken with in quite some time. (Which in my "lifetime movie" mind, means I was trying to make closure here on good ol' planet earth...) Now...that said, I do not have a DH, but honey I have the 2 most DS's..(Dear Sons) that God ever put on this earth. I wrote about them in my profile, and I included prayer that would also sorta let them know that I was worried about them.... but mostly, I just had my arms around them as much as was possible, and let me tell you, that is hard, cuz teenage boys are NEVER home.... My oldest was the toughest... It's not that he doesn't want me healthy, he was just scared to death and was basically avoiding me. I don't have the right words honey... but you know what? What you told us on this post, is an excellent way to start. I was able to genuinely feel your concern and your deep love for your husband. Tell him what you told us as a starter....the words will flow.... If I can help you.... I will be happy to...email me, and if you want, I will just talk to you and take down what you told me, and then maybe you can turn that into words..... He knows you love him girlie.... You just want to tell him how much.... My guess is he couldn't be more proud of you. I'll tell you one last little something, then I'll shut this LONNNNGGG yapfest up.... My oldest one, that I told you about.... he is one of few words when it comes to his love for me... I know he loves and respects me, but I finally told him this week, that my feelings had been hurt, cuz it seemed he was avoiding me both before and after the surgery. He told me he had written me in his live journal. Lo and behold, late one night, I went and looked at his journal (It's online and he's invited me to read it so, I wasn't prying) and sure enough... several entries about me...very complimentary... I'm behind you girl... let me know if I can help.... -Tami
on 7/23/04 12:18 pm - Cartersville, GA
Patti, I was like you when I wrote my letter to my DH. I cried all day long. (He ws at work for 12 hours.) So I had that long to get it over with. It was the hardest thing I have had to do. Matter a fact I ended up writing him 2 letters and they are numbered as in the order that he would read them. I cried when I wrote my childrens letters too. These three people are all I have left and they mean so much to me and its so hard thinking about what could happen. But I'm praying that things go ok. I feel sure they will but it gets very sad thinking that something could go wrong. My children and I lost my father last year to cancer and that was very hard on us. Matter a fact his birthday is next week and I have been thinking of him a lot this past week and have been down. But, I am so excited about my surgery and it is 10 days away. Good Luck, Cindy
Kelle W
on 7/24/04 2:11 am - Atlanta, GA
Well, I don't have a DH right now, but I did write a letter to all of my family and friends. I told my mom while we were in the waiting room in the hospital where it was in case something happened. I was so glad to get home safely and be able to throw it away, but I have been making a concerted effort to show everyone how I feel about them through actions. Kelle
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