Had pre-op today

Cricket B.
on 7/22/04 7:29 am - GA
I have another tomorrow, and Surgery Monday. When you other guys go to ATL. MEDICAL for your pre-op, bring a jacket. It's cold enough to hang meat. I kept thinking "Do they think I'm going to spoil" At any rate the H-pylori I got a question? My PCP did it today but I didn't get any results for one they threw this surgery date on me so quick! but my PCP said that it was fine he has a lot of Dr. Duncan's folks and he would send another statement stating that he had taken it or that it was sent. He told me it would not stop me from having surgery. Is that the way it happen with you? That just scares me. I want nothing to stop this.
on 7/22/04 8:41 am - GA
What all did you do today at Preop? Mine is coming up next week and they said to be there at 730am and I would do preop there and at the hospital and be there until late afternoon. What takes so long?
Cricket B.
on 7/22/04 9:55 am - GA
Well your doing yours both on one day and there were a few people there today who were doing that. The 1st part should not take that long but after you meet with the DR. you have to have like a group meeting with the doctor to give you a chance to ask questions. The second part that I'm doing tomorrow is the cardio, ekg and stuff. I hear that takes 3 to 4 hours. I will be so glad when that's over and to bring a lunch or make sure you have money to buy lunch or something because there's nothing out there .
(deactivated member)
on 7/22/04 8:57 am - Warner Robins, GA
Cricket, It was cold enough to hang meat at the wellness center. I brought a pashmina with me and was so glad I did. Good Luck with your surgery gal! I will be praying for you! Tracy, I'm sorry for not replying about the pre-op process. You get there and sign in at the wellness center. They will review you file to make sure all clearance letters are there and take your co-pay. They give you more forms to fill out, a 2 page true/false test, and a 14 page contract to review. You take your test and hand it in. You are then called back and to be weighed and measured and then sent to the class room. The nutritionist and excercise guru speak to the group and then when the Drs are ready you are called back individually and put into a room were the Dr reviews your records looks you over again and you are able to ask any questions, then back to the class room where Dr Duncan goes over the surgery in detail, reviews the contract, and then reviews the test questions that were answered incorrectly. If you missed a question you will have to take the test over again. Then you go over to the hospital, sign in at the pre-op area, your insurance info is entered into the system, you pay your hospital co-pay and then are taken to another area where your blood is drawn, EKG & chest x-ray and you speak with the anethesiologist. Long day! Bring a lunch or snack or go to the cafeteria before you proceed to the pre-op hospital area. If you have had an EKG or chest x-ray done recently get them from your Drs and take them with you! This will save you time and $$. Good Luck, Tonya
on 7/22/04 9:01 am - GA
So at what point do you know if your weight "passed" and you are ok and a go ahead for surgery?
(deactivated member)
on 7/22/04 9:06 am - Warner Robins, GA
I guess when the Dr reviews your records, I only lost 3 lbs and was "passed" He never mentioned a thing. I was so darn nervousLOL But then again they never told me a specific amount to lose. Dr Speights just told me to make an effort. One lady there had gained 5 lbs and was ok. She was a little over 100lbs overweight so I don't know if that made a difference or not. Just do your best and try not to stress about it. You come along way already! Tonya
on 7/22/04 9:11 am - GA
I have been stressing then not stressing and then stressing again and today is one of those anxious moments again. I worked out at the gym the last two days and today I didn't want to. I am going for a walk this evening though. Today I was craving protein, but not in liquid form in meat form!!! I will be SO glad to get the 29th behind me ! Please pray that I "pass" preop!!!!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 7/22/04 9:18 am - Warner Robins, GA
I'll pray for you. DOn't worry everythign will work out fine! Tonya
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