Pain in my left side??

on 7/18/04 3:39 am - Duluth, GA
I am 4 days out. I have a throbbing pain in my left side. If you were to put your hands on your hip and then bring it up about 4 inches that is where the pain is. It kinda comes & goes, and it's not doubling me over or anything, but it is persistant. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so the fact that I'm paying attn to it is a littlt bit of a red flag. If it doesn't quit, I'll call the doc, but wondered if anyone else had experienced this... Your thoughts? -Tami
Patsy G.
on 7/18/04 3:46 am - GA
Hi Tami; I don't know what that would be but I will pray that it is not serious. Hope you feel better soon.....and I am glad you are going to call the doctor. Patsy
on 7/18/04 3:48 am - Duluth, GA
Thanks Patsy. Hope you are doin well also... -Tami
Kay Holder
on 7/18/04 11:48 am - Mableton, GA
That is where your intestines were hooked back up. It's probably very swollen. If it still hurts in the morning, call the Do****il then, pop another percocet
on 7/19/04 7:02 am - Gainesville, GA
Did you ever find out the problem? I am 7 months out and have have pain in about where you are describing for many months off and on. I saw my surgeon last week and he said I had a soreness in a muscle. Well, I disagree, as muscle soreness would go away and stay away. I am waking during the night now and will see PCP in am. Imagine my surprise when I saw your post, as I check them every week or so.
on 7/19/04 2:10 pm - Duluth, GA
Nope, but it has subsided... I hope everything comes out ok!
on 7/19/04 2:10 pm - Duluth, GA
Nope, but it has subsided... I hope everything comes out ok!
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