on 7/16/04 10:54 pm - UNION CITY, GA
On July 26, I go in for my Psych evaluation. On July 28 I go in to talk to the nutritionalist. On August 12, I see Dr. Duncan. What comes next? After the psych and nutrinionalist should I be doing anything before I see Dr. Duncan? I hope my questions don't seem foolish. I feel like the new kid on the block... clueless
on 7/16/04 11:52 pm - Covington, GA
Good morning, James No question is foolish, you can't learn if you don't ask!! Have you seen your Primary Physician? You'll need a letter of medical necessity, a medical clearance letter, and a letter detailing your diet history. When you go see Dr. Duncan on 8/12, they are going to tell you to get those things, so might as well do it now. The quicker they have those items, the sooner they can submit it to your insurance company. After you are approved, Dr. Duncan will have you do further testing (i.e. cardiologist, pulmonary, etc.) depending on your co-morbidities and general health. Also, make sure that your psychologist and nutritionalist submit their paperwork to Dr. Duncan's office, check with Dr. Duncan before your appointment to make sure that they have those items on file. I can't think of anything else right now. But if I left anything out, I am sure that someone else will remember. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Smooches Chandra
on 7/17/04 4:08 am - UNION CITY, GA
on 7/17/04 11:17 am - Covington, GA
You're welcome!! Feel free to drop me a line anytime you want to talk or just vent!! It's all about supporting each other!! Good Luck Smooches Chandra
on 7/17/04 3:53 am - GA
Everything Chandra said is right on. I actually took all my letters from PCP, & nutrionist to Dr D on my appt, that way I had copies of everything. Just a thought. Good luck and best wishes, Theresa
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