Water Retention

Patsy B.
on 7/14/04 7:56 pm - GA
Has anyone had problems with water retention after surgery? I got home yesterday and I feel good but my whole body seems to be swollen from all the IV's they had me on in the hospital. Please let me know if this is common. I plan on calling the doctor today to see what I need to do. Thanks for your input. Oh, by the way...the worst part of the surgery was the really dry mouth. You can only have 30cc of ice chips every two hours. My mouth has never been so dry. It was unbelievable! Patsy
Siddy I.
on 7/14/04 10:09 pm - Savage, MN
~Patsy~ Glad to hear you are home and doing well. Yes, water retention is very common after surgery. Its also normal to have a slight weight gain from all the fluids. The best way to get rid of water retention is to drink more water. It is very improtant to keep yourself hydrated. Take care Sidney
(deactivated member)
on 7/16/04 8:20 am - Warner Robins, GA
Patsy, I saw your name on the door and wish now that I would've knocked. Your door was shut so didn't think you wanted to be bothered. AS for the water weight...I weighed myself before I left the hospital and weighed 5 more lbs then when I went in. Today I am 4 lbs less. I just think it's gonna take some time.
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