I'm getting nervous

(deactivated member)
on 7/12/04 3:14 am - Warner Robins, GA
All my friend's have been calling and coming by my office to give me a hug and wish me luck. All of a sudden my stomache is doing flips and I am getting nervous
on 7/12/04 3:21 am - Dallas, GA
Best of luck! Crossing my fingers for you! I am very sure that you will do just fine. Remember that this is the start of the rest of your life. Saliena
Jimmys S.
on 7/12/04 3:26 am - Warner Robins, GA
Tonya, You are gonna be just fine! I cant believe it is so close already! Good Luck and you know I will continue my prayers for you! Know I love ya girl! Sunshine Kim
on 7/12/04 3:34 am - Covington, GA
Hey Girlie!! You have the #1 surgeon!! I know you will be just fine. I was nervous right before also, but just keep thinking psotive thoughts and you'll be a loser before you know it!! I am so excited for you. You are such a wonderful person and you truly deserve this opportunity to better yourself, take it and run!! I'll be praying for you!! Smooches Chandra
on 7/12/04 4:45 am - Conyers, GA
Tonya Your going to be fine ...Just think this is your last day at work .....When you come bakc you are going to be a new and improved Tonya ....How exciting is that ....You are going to fly thur this surgery with flying colors !!! i know you will ......You are a great person and you deserive the very best life can give you .....You will be fine and great and back on your feet in no time !!!! Laura
on 7/12/04 4:48 am - Clarkesville, GA
Hi Tonya. I'm new here, but I still wanted to wish you the very best of luck! I was sorry to hear of your Grandmother's passing, but isn't a good feeling knowing she's watching out for you. Blessings to you! Jerri
on 7/12/04 5:12 am
Tonya, You will be in God's hands. I pray for a wonderful surgery and a healthy recovery..... Enjoy the "I don't care" drugs...they're wonderful!!!! God speed and God bless my friend!!!! *Scoot over loosers bench - we have another one squeezing in!!!!*
(deactivated member)
on 7/12/04 5:27 am - Georgia Peach, MD
Tonya, Nervousness is normal! Remember, the best is yet to come. You will be in my prayers. Hope
on 7/12/04 5:29 am - Bogart, GA
Tonya, I'm so glad I got back into town before you leave. You have the prayers of the whole board on your side. We all wish only wonderful things for you. You're gonna be fabulous. Feel all the love and hugs we're sending your way. -Paige
on 7/12/04 5:45 am - Atlanta, GA
I'm sure you are going to be just fine! Just remember all of your friends here who are thinking about you and praying for you. Save me a spot on the losing side, will ya?
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