Lesson Learned...

Siddy I.
on 7/9/04 1:46 am - Savage, MN
Hi All File this under lesson learned. I had the *WORST* dumping of my life the other night. And yes it was all my fault. But TRUST me, I'll never do it again. My DH and I have been going through alot the last month or so. Money issues, kid issues, job issues, ex issues, ect... But wednesday was a very bad day and that night I just couldnt deal with it anymore. I cant turn to my old habit of stress eating so I did something even worse. I had a nice big drink. My fav, a 'rita on the rocks no salt. Bad move. At first I felt a little tipsy. I only had one drink so I thought I'd be ok, it wears off fast, no big deal right? Nope, it felt like it was getting stronger and stronger. Then the hot and cold flashe**** I was sweating like a pig but freezing at the same time. All I wanted to do was throw up but I couldnt but I had dry heaves. I couldnt focus, I was in pain, I just wanted to die. Then on top of all that, I started having leg cramps from *hell* cause I was dehydrated! This lasted for HOURS. The mix had 26 grams of sugar in it alone. I NEVER have anything over 10 grames and most of the time I stay under 8 grams of sugar so I overloaded my system big time. Hear me loud and hear me clear. No more drinks for me. I'm done with that. Next time stres****s, I'll go for a walk. Some times it taked a big kick in the head to learn a lesson. But at least I'm still learning. Take care ~Sidney~
on 7/9/04 1:52 am - GA
I have a hard head so sometimes it takes a big swift kick in the butt to get my attention! Least you learned a lesson and was able to stay away from the food. God Bless and my you and your family be blessed with whatever is needed for some peace. Hugs and prayers, Theresa
on 7/9/04 9:31 am - Dacula, GA
Funny you should post this...I'm drinking a rita now...and BOY...I've only had a few ounces and the alcohol hit me like a freight train. I was always a lightweight...even at 348 pounds! But golly! I'm a cheap date...getting a little warm here...I don;'t make drinking a habit...so no flames Sherry
Marrilee M.
on 7/9/04 12:26 pm - 30 miles north of Atlanta, GA
Maybe you're on to something. Maybe they should perform this surgery on alcoholics. It does sound more extreme than the medication you can take that makes you sick if you drink but this could be a 2-for-1: stop drink AND lose weight. LOLOLOL Seriously, I'm sorry you had such a bad dumping expeience but thanks for sharing. You're helping to educate this pre-op. Marrilee pre-op Dr. Appel
on 7/9/04 2:56 pm - eatonton, GA
Hi Sidney, sorry to hear about your dumping experience. I had my first drink of acohol at a wedding 2 weeks ago. it was a glass of wine. 1 Glass and I felt like I'd been drinking for days. I sipped it and had no adverse reaction other than not holding it well. I was more than drunk from that one glass! I was not a heavy drinker before, but was able to handle a glass of wine here and there..not any longer!!) When it was time to go to bed I felt sick (hours after drinking it) like I had been drinking the hard stuff straight when I was younger!!! Kym -75
c E.
on 7/9/04 3:02 pm - conyers, GA
Sidney, Thanks for sharing. I had no idea of the sugar content in rita's. NO wonder they taste so good. I have my 1st meeting with Dr. Duncan on July 15th. Oh! I live in Conyers (close to you) are there any support meetings around here? Thanks, Charlene
Siddy I.
on 7/9/04 11:22 pm - Savage, MN
Hi Charlene, Rockdale Hospital has a support group meeting the first wednesday of every month at 6:00pm. Its a great group and you can learn alot from those folks. Hope you can make it next month. I havent made it to the last couple of meetings cause of work and home stuff but I'm going to try hard to get there next month. Sidney
on 7/10/04 9:30 am - Fayetteville, GA
Sidney, next time make your margarita with "Baja Bob's Margarita Mix." It is marketed to the low-carbers, and I haven't found it in a store yet, but I order mine from the web. Just google "Baja Bob" and Margarita. It's made with Splenda. Whenever ever I can find it (it sells out fast), I order 5 or 6 packets of the dry mix. I don't really care for the liquid mix they have, for some reason. Nobody should have do do without a margarita, when they really REALLY need one (even if it doesn't have tequila in it)... Sherri
on 7/10/04 11:28 am - Covington, GA
They sell Baja Bob's at GNC, as a matter of fact, it's on sale right now. $2.99 a bottle (sorry I didn't see the dry mix). It's pretty good. I use the strawberry flavor as a sno-cone topping since I can't find a sugar free sno-cone syrup. Smooches Chandra Lap RNY 6/22/04 - 15 lbs
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