My letter to NY Post

on 7/2/04 4:05 pm - Byron, GA
I quote "Your life has been taken away by your refusal to stop stuffing yourself with three pizzas at a time, lady. " Horrible. You actually PAY this person to write? For shame. Every overweight person I know has tried diet after diet and has failed time after time, gaining more and more weight with each failure. I did not see your columnist mention anywhere about Amy trying to diet and failing each one, only to get more and more depressed with each failure. Obesity is a disease recognized by the medical community and treated as such by doctors and covered by insurance. This is NOT about willpower. Perhaps next time your reporter can actually *gasp* interview some real obese folks who have chosen gastric bypass surgery as a tool to help them with their struggle to overcome their disease and live normal lives. KM
on 7/3/04 8:21 am - HOSCHTON, GA
WAY TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUDY
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