Good Morning!

on 7/1/04 10:13 pm - Jonesboro, GA
So, is anyone excited about tonight? I just figured out of pure curiosity I would start a chain to see how many people are going to be out there at Cafe Jalepenos tonight? So, be ready because I am ready to ! I hope they have room for all of us. See ya there.
on 7/1/04 10:24 pm - GA
Waaaaaa....I wanted to go! But we are leaving this afternoon for South Carolina to spend the weekend with my in-laws. Will probably be my last visit there before my surgery. Have a non-alcoholic one for me!!! Patti
on 7/1/04 10:57 pm - Conyers, GA
I'm going to be there ...I cannt wait i am ready for a good margerita let me tell ya ...And i will try to rmember to bring a few before pic for you guys to see Laura
Kelle W
on 7/2/04 2:36 am - Atlanta, GA
Ya'll better be ready for some STRONG margaritas! Tonya and I had to send our back last night to have more mix added. And let me tell you, tequila is my liquor of choice, so if it was too strong for get the idea! I get off work at 7, and am trying to decide if I want to run home and change first or come on down. I'll be early if I leave from work, and probably a little late if I go home first, but either way I'll see ya'll there tonight! We can always sit outside if it gets too crowded inside, and I think it might be pretty crowded on Friday night...whoever gets there first, access the situation and let them know we're expecting quite a few folks. We told them last night we'd be back tonight, but I'm sure they won't remember or care for that matter. Kelle
on 7/2/04 2:54 am - Conyers, GA
ok so for a rough number of peopel there are going to be 6-10 would you say ? and yes they have the best margeritas there tonya coming back tonight kelle ????
Kelle W
on 7/2/04 5:07 am - Atlanta, GA
I think that's about a good number of people to estimate, though Holly called and left me a message, sounds like she's gonna have a posse with her so I'm not sure No unfortunately Tonya can't come back tonight. It's raining cats and dogs down there and she doesn't want to drive up here in that rain. Can't blame her for that, especially with all the cops and crazy drivers on the road this weekend. Also her grandma is getting worse so she needs to stick close to home right now. Everyone say a prayer for her and her family. She said to tell everyone hi though, so I'll make sure to do that! Kelle
on 7/2/04 3:40 am
I have this sneaking suspicion that tonight is going to be a barrell of LAUGHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to meet every one!!!!!!!!!! I can't have any margaritas....I'm still too new of post op....but I'll have fun none the less
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