Letter to NY POST this is for Amy, Corey, Frances, and the rest of us

on 7/1/04 9:17 am - 'Tifton, GA
I sent this letter to the NY post! Here s the addresses too that I sent it to so yall can too! This one is for all of us to get her! Kerri [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 07/01/04 RE: Linda Stasi MTV's 'TRUE' MADE ME LOSE MY APPETITE Dear Sir or Madam: Hello. I am appalled to know that you would allow such a column to be printed by Linda Stasi in reference to MTV's 'TRUE' MADE ME LOSE MY APPETITE! I would love to get to meet her just to see what she looks like and to find out why she is so judgmental against obese people. I am an obese woman with severe medical problems most of which DO NOT relate to my weight. I was disgusted and felt discriminated against when I read this article. To me its as if the New York Post is only writing for the "slim" and obese people are just lazy, undisciplined, and uncontrolled people in the eyes of the New York Post! Regardless to Linda's belief or anyone else's there is only one race on this planet and that is the HUMAN RACE! And we are all different! Not all of us are beautiful, slim, models, successful people but the one thing we do have in common that makes us equal is that we are HUMANS WITH FEELINGS! We do get offended and hurt by people thinking and judging us when they have NO IDEA who we are nor will they ever take the time to stop and get to know us! WE HAVE HEARTS AND SOULS JUST AS ANYONE and yes we are OBESE! Just a bit of an educational piece for Linda and the one s who agreed to allow such a condescending column to be written. Obesity is a disease just like AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes. And any other medical condition. Yet obese people are always the ones who get discriminated against, ridiculed, judged, hurt, and trampled over by others rather it be verbal, written, and or face on. Yet no one will do that to a person who has Cancer, Diabetes, AIDS, or other medical conditions! Instead of being judgmental about obese people just because we are bigger in size does not make us inhumane! As a matter of fact I have family and best friends that I would do anything in the world for and they think the world of me yet to a complete stranger I m just a big woman! They would never really know the "REAL" me because they cannot get past the blind spot on their forehead. How dare any of you to judge these three people who have graciously and courageously opened their lives up to us. To assist in educating the world that obesity is a DISEASE yet Linda has the right to say "No! Your life has been taken away by your refusal to stop stuffing yourself with three pizzas at a time, lady." When has she seen, spoken to or sat with Amy, Corey, and Frances to know anything about them? I know Amy and she is a wonderful person who has courageously opened her life up to the world to help educate people just like Linda Stasi and others that are just like her about obesity! The simple fact that Amy, Corey, and Frances allowed us to come into their lives show that they have hearts of gold and that they want to help educate others about the disease and to take a stand and get help! Amy has had gastric bypass done just as I have. And yes we both have lost a lot of weight but it was because we are educated and knew that the lives we were leading were unhealthy and we both took a stand along with millions of others to ask for help! The person who does not seek help is a coward! Those of us who ask for help and receive it are the "TRUE" smart ones! So to the New York Post and to Linda Stasi, I only hope and pray that you too will become educated and find out more about obesity before you begin to write another column referring to obesity and or obese people. You are not God, a judge, nor a jury and have NO RIGHT to judge others especially when you do not even know who they are. And just so you will know you can be and will be held accountable for all of your actions! Sincerely, Kerri Gooch in Georgia [email protected]
Denise M.
on 7/1/04 10:32 am - Stone Mountain, GA
You go girl! Ignorance is everywhere! Denise
on 7/1/04 10:38 am - GA
BRAVO!! Patti
Dixie P.
on 7/1/04 10:58 am - Atlanta, GA
I got one word for that girl: DAY-YAM!
Donnie ..
on 7/1/04 12:59 pm - GA
thanks, it feels good to know that someone out there is standing in the gap. God's speed.
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