Amy Williams
on 7/1/04 7:07 am
Hi Guys, I didn't want to post this here, but I wanted some help in writing a letter to the NY Post. They did an article based on the show that is to air tonight. Here's the link, it's rather rude.... http://nypost.com/entertainment/24134.htm I actually called the NY Post and spoke to the editor in chief, he said he'd be willing to let me write a rebuttle. I'm not sure I will, but what do you think. I'm not wanting to write anything negative back, I simply want to state some facts about obesity. I was looking for suggestions on what to say in the letter if I do this. Thanks Amy
on 7/1/04 7:45 am - Thomson, ga
Hi, Amy don't let them get you down. We know we can't help it but they don't understand us. and some people don't have any rasing. or they would not be so nasty. you are doing good and keep up with it. Have a good day. Sarah
on 7/1/04 8:17 am - Atlanta, GA
It's the New York Post not New York Times...so I wouldn't worry about it. It's a ****ty paper by nature....their goal is to publish brash stuff about everybody!
on 7/1/04 9:05 am - GA
I think the post is just one of those raggy tabloid types, right? I would tell them to "Bite Me"! What do you care what they think? You have so many friends and supportive family members around you. Besides, this is just one man's opinion. I wouldn't worry if I were you. I applaud you for having the courage to do this special! You are our heroine! ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Patti
on 7/1/04 9:17 am - Jonesboro, GA
Amy, As painful as it sounds this is the "real world" giving feed back about being overweight. Some people can handle to truth some can't. It does sound sleezy, but what can you expect from some skinny limb that has never had an ounce of fat. Anyway, if you reply by rebuttal you will only insight a riot. This paper is like the national inquirer and the NY Post will sell the story and make it world wide. By responding you are being combative instead of taking it in stride. I think allowing MTV to air your life has to say a lot about you. It says that here is a woman that has always been controlled by her stomach, and now she is airing her dirty laundry to educate people about what her life has been like. I definitely give you a big high 5, because that takes guts and I will be watching the show. I am sooooooo sorry that they decided to take a dig on your story as humerous, but we have dealt with people like this up till now. Hold your head up and be proud of who you are. And remember "there's no crying in baseball" (A League of Their Own, Tom Hanks)
Harriett H.
on 7/1/04 9:23 am - Alpharetta, GA
Amy there are people out there that make fun of people because they were never taught any manners growing up. It's make them feel like a bigshot to cut other down without walking a mile in there shoes. I'll support you in anything you do. Your have Gods Blessing. I am going to write the post myself and give them my 2 cents worth. here are lots of((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))) and know you did what was right for you.Don't let it get you down hung in there and keep your Harriett
Patsy G.
on 7/1/04 10:40 am - GA
Hi Amy; I would say that she doesn't have a clue. At least we are trying to change....I'm not sure she can. I'll be watching tonight! I'm proud of you. Patsy
on 7/1/04 10:37 am - Conyers, GA
This is what I sent the ******** at NY POST!!! You go Girl!! I am very proud of you and your accomplishments! Keep up the great job! Connie I to am appalled that the NY Post would allow such an article with out thinking of someone's feelings. It took alot of courage for Amy Williams to have her surgery broadcast on MTV. If you look at people in today's world, you will see the growing number of obese people. WE, The people who choose to have surgery such as weight loss surgery are being proactive and are looking out for our future. WE, are Brave, and We are Determined to do this for ourselves!.... We do not hide behind our obesity, and I am very PROUD of AMY for her courage to share her story with America. She is an inspiration to me and to many of my Obese friends. I truly feel Linda Stasi, and the NY Post should offer an apology to AMY and the others mentioned in this article for their lack of knowledge, and their lack of empathy. Research your topics thoroughly before you make an ass out of yourselves!!! Sincerely, Connie Bouland Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery , Scheduled on Sept 1, 2004
on 7/1/04 11:11 am - Rincon, GA
It was shocking to read this article. Obviously this person refuses to think of obesity as a disease. Its the old stereotype again - immediately - if a person is obese it is all their fault- period. They never take a good look at the person on the inside. There is increasing evidence everyday to suggest that we are pre-determined to be at the weight we are now, and in my case (as many others) only surgery could break the chain. People who write articles like this have no genuine concern for the feelings of other human beings - that makes them have the sensitivity of animals in the wild and not of the people that God has designed them to be.
Kelle W
on 7/1/04 12:59 pm - Atlanta, GA
Amy, girl, f**k that bit**....don't let her have one ounce of control over how you feel about yourself. You're brave and courageous and doing something awesome for yourself. Those of us who know and appreciate you recognize your special personality and the beauty that you are. The rest of the world can sit on it and spin! Kelle
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