My H-Pylori is positive...

(deactivated member)
on 6/28/04 6:04 am - Warner Robins, GA
I called the Gastro Dr today to ask about the results b/c I know that most of the time the anti-biotic treatment is a 14 day deal. I have an appt with that office on Wed the day before my Pre-op, well I am glad I called b/c the H-Pylori is postive. So I will head over to the pharmacy to pick up my pills. Oh the nurse also mentioned that I have gastritis which is inflammation of the stomach lining. It can be cause by the H Pylori. I'm hoping it will go away before the surgery. I wouldn't want an already irritated stomach when I go in for surgery. Tonya
on 6/28/04 6:58 am - Thomson, ga
Good luck and hope you get better soon. Have a good day. sarah
on 6/28/04 8:15 am - Rincon, GA
It is so good that you caught this issue in time. You probably can take your meds and be rid of it before your surgery. Did you have to take this test or was it your choice? July 14th is just around the corner!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 6/28/04 9:40 am - Warner Robins, GA
Lisa, Dr Duncan's patients are required to take the test. It can be taken by stool, blood or a culture from a EGD. I also had to see a Gastro Dr b/c Of the acid relux problem so I asked the Gastro Dr to just do a culture then. He says it's much more reliable then the blood test that my PCP would do. So now I have it and hopefully all will be well Tonya
on 6/28/04 10:10 am - GA
I know you are going to be alright. In fact you are going to be better than ever because you will feel good again. Hang in there Tonya you will be a member of Loserville in no time saving me a seat and then we will be lifetime members together---in the feeling good and Looking Outstanding Club....Hugs and Prayers, Theresa
on 6/28/04 10:31 am - columbus, ga
tonya, i have 6 days left of the 14 day prevpac... it says take it before you eat.... take it with milk if you can..... with out the milk even when i eat it makes me sick..... i will be glad to be done with it..... sorry you have to take it.... but at least that is one more thing out of hte way.... i dont know if you read my post but when they tell you preop takes all day.... it does... i got there at 7 and left at 330 and there were still about 10 patients behind me at the hospital..... good luck ... kiwani
(deactivated member)
on 6/28/04 11:11 am - Warner Robins, GA
My goodness girl-I about fell out when they brought that big box of meds out and said, "here's your prevpak!" 8 pills a day for 14 days! My stomache is going to be raw for sure and my bum too! Antibiotics give me diahrrea. LOL Oh well at least I'll be bacteria free.hehe I am so not looking forward to this pre-op deal! Good grief! I have a good book to bring along though Tonya
Harriett H.
on 6/28/04 12:10 pm - Alpharetta, GA
If you can eat yogart a couple times a day it will help with the diahrrea. Wishing you lots of luck. May God Bless you and see you through. Harriett
(deactivated member)
on 6/29/04 3:57 am - Warner Robins, GA
Thanks Harriett! Great suggestion! Tonya
Harriett H.
on 6/29/04 8:03 am - Alpharetta, GA
That is my old standby I have Lupus and haft to take strong antibiotic and if I don't have my yogurt I stay in the little girls room. Hope it helps you too. Harriett
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