HELP--I think I'm starting to freak out!!

Molly J.
on 6/27/04 9:07 am - Winder, GA
OK, I know it's normal to get cold feet before surgery, but I'm just really starting to doubt my decision... not to actually have the surgery, but about my eating habits and am I really going to be able to give up my favorite foods. I had my pre-op on Friday 6/25 and everything went well, but the anesthesiologist said he can't sedate me as much as he does everyone else because of my breathing pattern on the EKG they did earlier. Well, she told me not to move during the EKG, so I was trying not to breathe deep/normally anyway. So now I'm afraid I'm going to wake up during my surgery and that will freak me out. I know it will because I woke up in the middle of my wrist surgery and freaked because my hands were tied down. I didn't wake up during my gall bladder removal, but still... AND, Dr. Richard (he's really nice) gave me the OPTION of having open or laparoscopic, and for some reason I chose OPEN! Am I insane?But I spoke with a nurse friend of mine at church today and he helped to put my mind at ease... he is aware of my doctor's aftercare program and he highly respects it. He's not worried so why should I be, right?!
Karel J.
on 6/27/04 9:45 am - GA
Molly, I'm confident that you'll do fine. Just say your prayers and leave it all in God's Hands. Yes, what you will be able to eat will be very different after surgery. I hope it's true for others but now I'm able to walk past the candy (and all my old comfort foods) in the store and not be tempted. Hopefully down the road you'll be able to enjoy your favorite foods but at a much smaller portion. If WLS is what you truly want, then you'll be determined to make the lifestyle changes especially when you start to feel better and amaze yourself with your slimming appearance! My dilemma of the day that you'll soon enjoy is that I no longer have a dress to wear to church!! I mean absolutely NONE! So after losing 60 pounds, I've cleared out about 20 dresses and passed them on. Guess I need to go shopping! I believe everyone experiences apprehension the closer they get to surgery time. Just relax, look at the before and after pictures, enjoy some reading, and dream big about the exciting changes you're about to go through. Best wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery! Karel
on 6/27/04 12:42 pm - 'Tifton, GA
Molly, hello and congrats! Good luck with everything! Your having the normal reactions that any of us have or had with surgery! Normally they watch you closely to make sure you do not wake up during the surgery so I wouldnt get too worried about that! I had my surgery open and I will admit at first I thought I was crazy for letting them do it but on the other hand I m glad I did! I had problems with previous surgeries with lap being done so I jumped on the open wagon! It wasnt bad at all! I think you ll be fine! But I will pray for you and hope you the best with recovering! Take care and God bless you! Kerri
on 6/27/04 11:49 pm - Lawrenceville, GA
Girl it's ok to be scared, I was scared when I got to the hospital. Know one thing, you won't be able to eat like you use too because your stoma won't let you, you won't be hungry the first 4 months (at least I wasn't) after that you will start to get a little hungry. What I did was think about that size 10 I was going to ((I am now) be wearing. As for your decision is it too late to change it? Ask the Dr. and see if you can get a Lap done instead. Which everone you get done I am sure it will be ok just keep focus and stay calm think about your new body!
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