May *Re-birthdate* update requests

on 6/20/04 1:17 am
Okay - for all of you who had their surgery in May....I'd like to request a quick update on how things are going for you. I know there are a few of you out there...come on - speak up!!!!! We're all here behind you!!! Thanks Diana (Dee Dee)
on 6/20/04 9:32 am - Rincon, GA
Hi there. I had my wls May 13th and am down 39lbs. I feel well and am still on a liquid/soft diet, a lot of foods I have tried do not agree with me but I am getting very used to this, I am able to wear clothes I haven't worn in years. Also, on the same day as my surgery, my 21 year old son Andrew had his wls. He has lost 46 lbs. in a little over 5 weeks, he gets a little more depressed because he misses food period. I think this is because he is so much younger than I am and he is finding out he cannot eat the things he used to. He is very happy with his weight loss but he needs a little tlc sometimes. I am being very creative with the items I can feed him, and he is getting used to the diet.
on 6/20/04 8:34 pm
It's wonderful how great you and your son are doing! I still have some difficulties with the foods....but when i go back for my next visit my Dr. has said he'd be changing my diet that I'd be on for the duration of the weightloss....(Yeah - solid foods again!) Keep up the good work!!!! Diana
on 6/20/04 1:35 pm - Newnan, GA
Hi Diana, I was in the hospital with you and checked on you while I was there. I am doing good. I have lost 27 pounds now and am advancing my diet slowly. I am able to eat grilled shrimp, eggs, grilled chicken (dark meat agrees with me the best), small amounts of hard cheese and strawberries. Of course all quantities are small at about 1/4-1/3 cup. I do get the blues for foods I can't have anymore but it usually passes quickly. I'm sure those foods will be a distant memory in the future. I get about 50 ozs. of water in a day and can tell when I don't. I am glad to see you are doing so much better now than you were when I saw you in the hospital. My pastor came by to see me in the hospital and he mentioned you in prayer with me...Keep up the great work! Vince
on 6/20/04 8:37 pm
Hello Vince, My hospital stay wasn't the most pleasant - but since being home I've done well. That's not to say I haven't had my moments....but I do get up and walk daily and I think I've done pretty well with the weight loss. I haven't weighed in almost 2 weeks...and that was at my last Dr's visit. I was down 35 lbs. Thank you so much for checking on me in the hospital. I can honestly say it was a blessing to have so many of the OH family there!!!! Keep up the good work!!! Diana
on 6/20/04 3:01 pm - Mcdonough, GA
I've lost 27 pounds. Still can't see it in my clothes. Wearing the same size I was when I had surgery. Pretty bummed about that!! I still vomit at least once a day, and sometimes more. I can't keep my vitamins down, so I'm tired all the time. I sleep from the moment I get home until it's time to get ready for work again. say the least, I'm not getting my daliy required protein or water, or any exercise. Sorry to be such a downer. Kerry
on 6/20/04 8:42 pm
((((Kerry))))) I'm so sorry you're having problems. I wish there was something I could do to help you. You were such a God send in the Hospital to me. Have you talked to Dr. B's office about how you're feeling and your concerns with the not getting your vitamins? I certainly hope they can help. I'm here for you if you need to talk. E-mail me and I'll give you my phone number. Please keep me posted of your progress...and you'll be in my prayers to get your strength back! Diana
Deborah M.
on 6/22/04 12:06 pm - Alpharetta, GA
Hi all I had my surgery May 11. I am down 32, wi**** was more, I have suffered more than 32 worth!!!! Dr. says I am doing good, not losing too fast or too slow, so I guess I will have to be satisfied with that. I will have my 6 weeks blood work done tomorrow, so I will find out how healthy I really am. I feel more human everyday now, and only barf half the time instead of all the time. Deborah
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